A Willing Heart
“I am sure of this, that he who started a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 1:6 (NLT)
I had a post written for this week, but when I woke up yesterday morning, the song, Build My Life was playing in my head. When I looked up the lyrics, I knew that was what God wanted me to write about instead….especially with my book release TOMORROW!!!!
As I read the stanza, Open up my eyes in wonder; Show me who you are and fill me,with your heart and lead me; In your love to those around me, I realized that is what happened with Knit, Pray, Share. God laid it on my heart to do something to try and make a difference through my writing and knitting to share God’s love to those around me.
However, without a willing heart, God couldn’t use me. Initially, I looked at my inadequacies. I’m not that good of a knitter. I’m not a pattern writer. Why would God want someone like me who struggles with worry/anxiety to write a book like this? I finally had to come to a point and ask, Why not me?
Once, I said, Yes to God, He did the rest. The patterns in the book aren’t anything special. I am sure you can find free versions of them on the internet. However, I purposefully (with the exception of a few) wrote patterns that are quick, easy and don’t take a whole lot of thought. These patterns are all in one book along with what inspired me to make each project as well as a prayer to go along with the inspirational nugget.
If I was a master knitter and pattern writer, my focus would have been on that, not having a mission as I do. Not only would I love to see a knitting movement happen with Christian knitters being bolder in their faith, but it would be refreshing to see a resurgence with knitting, especially with the younger generation.
I pray that this book, spark interest in people to desire to learn the craft so that they can let people on the outside edges of their life, know that they matter when they give them one of their hand knit gifts. It can form new friendships and maybe even lead others to Jesus.
We are living in a society where we aren’t having face-to-face conversations, but that isn’t the situation when you interact in the fiber community. When we meet, we don’t knit in silence. We share life with each other. We pray for each other. We share our burdens and struggles in a safe place. Again, this is why easy patterns are the focus of the book. Sitting, knitting and talking are a stretch for me, so when I don’t have to pay attention to a difficult pattern, my mistakes are minimal.
At first, I was not obedient when I knew God was calling me to do this. I dragged my feet and told God why I probably wasn’t the best person for it. God didn’t want the “ideal” person. He wanted someone like me, who would trust Him in the journey and have faith that He who began a good work in me would bring it to completion. God’s power filled in the gaps. He divinely placed the right people in my path at the right time.
Has everything perfectly fallen into place for me? I’m not going to lie, it hasn’t been all smooth sailing, especially with all of this book launch/promotion/social media stuff. There have been bumps along the way but it is in those times, that I realize that I have started to wander off course by relying on me and not on God…or when I let those anxious thoughts monopolize my mind rather than the peace of Christ.
God doesn’t just want to complete a good work in me, He wants to do it for you too. This journey will not end for any of us, until we see our Maker face-to-face. Until them, He just needs a willing heart. Are you not following through on something because you are letting self sabotaging thoughts take over? God needs ordinary people like me and you to do extraordinary things for His Kingdom. Are you willing to say, “Yes?”
Dear Lord,
I ask for supernatural favor for what I am doing to share Your love with those around me. Let my focus be on You this week. Thank You that You give me the tools through Your Word which grounds me and brings me closer to you. I praise You that You hear my prayers and know my heart. Infuse me with this month’s memory verse. Remind me each morning of Your constant love and that when I put my trust in You that You will show me the way I should go. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
October Memory Verse
“Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you; show me the way I should go.”—Psalm 143:8 (GNT)
Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.