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Life is Short

“Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.”—Psalm 90:12

Psalm 90 and how we manage our time was the focus of one of the church sermons last month at Cross Timbers Community Church. When verse 12 flashed across the screen, “Teach us to number our days, that we may gain a heart of wisdom,” I looked up the New Living Translation of it. “Teach us the brevity of life…” 

Life is short. So many of us, including me, waste time doing things that are meaningless. One of the questions asked at church that morning was, ‘What is your GPS? What are your gifts, passion and your story?” I know that one of my gifts is my servant heart. Because of that, my passion for knitting is to make things for others that are hurting. My grief journey woven into my life over twenty years has continued to motivate me to love others. There is no way to describe the comfort you receive when you have strangers praying and reaching out to you when you are going through a difficult time.

It isn’t always easy to be on the receiving end. I want to be the giver now. I am usually the one to take charge and orchestrate meal trains or prayer chains. However, last month with my daughter’s diagnosis, our family was on the receiving end. I am human, and my first thought was, “No, I don’t need anything. I am fine,” because I seem to be the one that tries to be strong for everyone.

Since life is short, God doesn’t want us to handle it alone. He desires for us to have relationships with people that are more than a Facebook like or a Tweet. It is okay to say, “Yes, you can bring me dinner at the hospital,” or let whoever wants to sit with you and be there for you do it. It isn’t a sign of weakness when you let others help you. 

Lord, teach me the brevity of this life so that I can grow in wisdom. Help me to cherish each day given to me as what it is…a gift. Continue to lead me to people to share my knitting projects to show them that they matter and are loved.

This month is almost over, how are you doing on your memory verse? "Fearing people is a dangerous trap, but trusting the LORD means safety.”—Proverbs 29:25