Knit Pray Share

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Is it well with my Soul?

“Let your conversation be gracious and attractive so that you will have the right response for everyone.”—Colossians 4:6 (NLT)

When I am under stress or feel rushed, I admit that my best qualities do not always shine. Many times as soon as the words come out of my mouth I am convicted that I shouldn't have been more careful with my words. Unfortunately, this usually happens with my loved ones but sometimes it can be toward an innocent person serving me. 

While this may not be the best example, this occurred with me last week. I had an appointment to get my nails done. I had been at the hospital with a family friend and cut my visit short so I would be on time. I rushed to get over there only to wait for nearly 30 minutes. Needless to say, I was a bit irritated. 

When the owner of the studio sat down where I was sitting and the woman next to me commented how busy it was, he said, “that’s why you need to make an appointment.” Rather than guard my tongue, I said, “Really? The past 3-4 times I have made an appointment, I have had to wait 30 minutes.” He asked, “what time was your appointment? I said 25 minutes ago.” He promptly got someone over to me to start while the person I was waiting on was finishing up with her client.

I was thankful he did that but at the same time I struggled with my delivery to him. I wasn’t angry with my words, but there was definitely the tone of sarcasm. When the woman came to finish up with me, she profusely apologized and I told her it wasn’t her fault and that I was glad that they had someone that was able to help her. 

When I was finished, I thanked the owner again for taking care of me like that but I still couldn’t help but be convicted for me not having a Christ-like attitude with him. This is a nail salon that not only plays Christian music that I enjoy but also has been nothing but kind and friendly with me. 

This holiday season as we are shopping and preparing for the celebration of our Lord and Savior, let us be conscious to not let our bad attitudes flow over to others around us. Let’s try and be more deliberate to be kind to others even when we aren’t feeling like it. If we catch ourselves snapping at a clerk, quickly apologize. If you knit or crochet as I do, maybe even make a gift to give to them the next time you frequent that business.

Dear Lord, 

Set me free from irritable thoughts and feelings. Help me to break any negative thought patterns and turn my mind toward You. Help me to change what I think and say to others this week so that my bad attitude doesn’t seep into those around me. I ask that it be well with my soul so that Your love and kindness flow out of me. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Were you able to imprint this month’s memory verse on your heart? “Devote yourselves to prayer with an alert mind and a thankful heart.”—Colossians 4:2 If so, did it help you stay focused during your prayer time?

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed and #KnitPrayShare be sure to attach a  tag to whatever gift you make.