What Loving Your Neighbor Looks Like
“Show me the right path, O LORD; point out the road for me to follow.”—Psalm 25:4 (NLT)
Last week I had the privilege of loving my neighbor when I gave away my Threads With Red Gift. Because they discontinued my favorite Wallflower scent, I went to Bath and Body Works in search of a new one. One of the girls was super helpful trying to help me find the right one for my husband’s super sensitive nose.
Before I went in the store, I felt God nudging me to put my gift in my purse. That morning, I wrote in my journal, “Lord, are you telling me that today You are going to lead me to someone to give away my Knit, Pray, Share gift?”
After I checked out, the girl that had been so patient with me was helping another customer, so I waited a few minutes for her to finish because I felt like she was who God wanted me to encourage. When she was done, I said, “I knit gifts to give away to people that make a difference in my day and I wanted to let you know I really appreciate how helpful and patient you were with me today.” I let her know that the scripture on the tag is one I pray before I give it to someone. Her eyes filled with tears and she said, “I think I am going to cry, God bless you, thank you.”
It is such a blessing when you see the thankfulness in someone’s face as you let them know you notice them and they make a difference. Knitting or crocheting a small gift to give away to someone to let them know that they matter isn’t that hard. When you pray before you do it, God will give you the courage and the right words to say.
It is up to me on whether I am going to choose my agenda or let God guide my steps for my day. Am I going to use what I knit or crochet be a blessing to someone? Giving the gift of encouragement is a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus. Who can you bless with this? Let God anoint you with the power to give away a Threads With Red gift.
Dear Lord,
I ask you to fill my heart with compassion and eyes to see those around me that need kind words spoken to them. Give me the boldness and words to say to whoever needs to hear them. Thank You that You can use my hobby to not only to bless others but also to share Your love. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen!
If you are memorizing this month’s memory verse, “This is the day the Lord has made, let me rejoice and be glad in it.”—Psalm 118:24 are you making it a habit to repeat it each morning before you get out of bed?
If you are making any gifts to give away this month, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit Pray Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtags #ThreadsWithRed #KnitPrayShare.