Knit Pray Share

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Remember God's Faithfulness

“So let’s not get tired of doing what is good. At just the right time we will reap a harvest of blessing if we don’t give up.”—Galatians 6:9 (NLT)

Last week, I shared how God was faithful in providing a husband and father to my children in His perfect timing. When I start to question whether Knit, Pray, Share is really something God is going to bless, I have to look back at how He has provided in my past. 

My book didn’t happen when I “thought” it should. Obviously, because God had a different manuscript He wanted written. God’s blessings on this journey have been better than I could have imagined. I have met new friends in the fiber community that I wouldn’t have ever met, had I not stepped out in faith and pursued getting the book published. 

God is faithful to His promises and He will fulfill them when the time is right. Is this always my mentality? No. I wish it was. When things aren’t happening as I think they should, the anxious thoughts start to creep in my head. 

I had a book signing this past weekend at one of the local Barnes and Noble stores. That morning, during my quiet time, I let the enemy get a foothold of my mind, “What happens if no one shows up? You should have promoted it more, What if I don’t sell any books….” My focus wasn’t on God, so I didn’t have peace. I was letting negative self talk get the better of me. Until I could change the atmosphere of my heart, my mind wasn’t going to settle. 

I felt God tell me, trust Me. You will sell the books and more.” Of course, with my limited thinking, I thought that meant I would sell every book plus more. I had heard Mark Batterson on a show last week and he said, “A book sold is a prayer answered.” I knew I needed to take on that outlook. If only one person showed up and bought my book, that was an answered prayer.

You know how sweet God is? A few hours after my conversation with Him, as I was leaving yoga class, one of the ladies walking into the gym, said, “I’ll see you at your book signing.” Walking to my car, I said to myself, Thank You, Lord, that you have confirmed that I will have at least one person at the signing today. That’s an answered prayer. I had to shift my focus from my perception to one of trust. God will continue to lead and provide for me as He has done in the past. He is and will always be faithful to His Word. In His perfect time, I will reap a harvest of blessing.

Did I sell every one of my books and more like I thought God had told me? No, but I sold half of them and now there are plenty copies left, for purchase for those that weren’t able to make it.😉 The more that God provided for me was having friends show up for moral support as well as reconnecting with some knitters that a few of us hadn’t seen in quite some time. The icing on the cake for me was when someone that I had blessed with a Knit, Pray, Share gift came by to see me. Wow! That was definitely something I did not expect. Thank You, Jesus!

Maybe you are waiting on God to answer a prayer. Can you look back in life and remember all of the prayers that He has answered? When I reflect and look back on God’s faithfulness in my life, it is what gives me the strength to keep praying even when I feel like giving up. I don’t know how all of my life is going to unfold, but I do know that Knit, Pray, Share is a way that God can use not just me but other Christians that knit/crochet to draw others to Jesus.

I know Knit, Pray, Share is the title but the reality is that if you don’t knit, you don’t know the difference between knitting or crochet and whatever threads you are weaving to create a gift, prayers and scripture that are knit into your heart are being used to complete it. God intertwined ever fiber of our being to create us, so don’t let the word “knit” keep you from making something if crochet is what you do best. Just start and end each project with some shade of red or pink to symbolize how we are sealed with the blood of Christ.  


Help me to trust You during the waiting and not take things in my own hands. I don’t want to miss out on Your blessings doing things my way. Give me strength to not get weary of doing what is good. Your Word tells me that at just the right time, I will reap a harvest of blessing if I don’t give up. Please forgive me when I lack faith because of my limited perspective. Thank You that when I am faithless, You are always faithful. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

October Memory Verse

“Remind me each morning of your constant love, for I put my trust in you. My prayers go up to you; show me the way I should go.”—Psalm 143:8 (GNT)

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.