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Joy to the World

“For a child will be born to us, a son will be given to us; And the government will rest on His shoulders; And His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Eternal Father, Prince of Peace.”—Isaiah 9:6 (NLT)

Last week I talked about how I had let some negative thinking steal a joyful spirit. Part of the reason I did the phone challenge a few weeks ago was because I knew that I was having a spirit of dread and not anticipation for the upcoming holidays. Not only was I convicted of my bad attitude when I sat through church that Sunday but also as my daughter and I were decorating the house.

I have kept my children’s decorations that they have made from over the years but quit putting them up once they asked me to stop.😟 My daughter found the box and was going through them. We had some good laughs over some of the things they had written.

This is what really shifted my heart. It made me think about how far I have come and how God was with me during those times I was a widowed single mom. Looking back on those past memories opened my heart back to one of gratitude.

I am so thankful for God’s provisions for me those 5 years of being a single mom as well as how He has and continues to provide for me today. The devil was trying to get a foothold of my spirit. I let him, but that is where I am thankful for the gift of Jesus and that because of His death on the cross I have the Holy Spirit dwelling inside of me that convicts me when I have a bad attitude.

Isaiah 9:6 is why I celebrate this season not just in December, but every day. God sent His one and only Son so that you and I could have access to our Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Have you accepted that gift? If so, how can you share it with those around you?

Joy to the World reminds us, “Let every heart prepare Him room.” The only way I can prepare my heart for Jesus is when I spend some quiet time with Him. I was letting all of the things that needed to get done, take the place of my much needed time with the Lord.

What loving deeds can you and I decorate to those that are put into our pathway this week? Can you think of someone who needs some encouragement? I am still giving away my bag of knit gifts that I am keeping in the trunk of my car. When I feel the Holy Spirit prick my heart to give one away, I do. What are some ways you can share the light of Jesus with others this week?

Dear Lord,

Thank You for opening my eyes to past Christmas memories as a reminder of Your faithfulness. Remove any resentment or distractions that creep into my heart. Let every heart prepare room for You not just this Christmas but every day. Decorate my heart with love, joy and peace so that I may be a light to those around me. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things.

December Memory Verse

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past.”—Isaiah 43:18

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.