Knit Pray Share

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“Jesus said to the people who believed in him, "You are truly my disciples if you remain faithful to my teachings.”—John 8:31 (NLT)

One of the reasons I picked 1 Corinthians 16:14 Do everything in love, for my memory verse was because when I looked back over my memory scriptures from 2018, the ones that I had retained were either shorter  in length or ones that I took more than one month to memorize. I know that the more I can master this, not only will it be easier for me to live out God’s Word in my life, but His Word will also pour out to those around me.

So for 2019, you will see both shorter verses to memorize or if it is longer one, I will focus on it for two months. I know God would rather me take this approach than to give up on it. God knows my shortcomings and as long as I keep trying, He will lead me to scriptures that He knows both you and I need.

One of the ways I can be a difference maker is by remaining faithful to God’s Word. The only way to do the this is by imprinting it on my heart so that I can share it with others when I feel led. How I live matters to God. I need to be maximizing the gifts that He has entrusted me with. We are called to partner with God in this way. 

While I know that not everyone is able to knit gifts as I do to share both God’s love and Word with those around them, you can love others by being kind. Can you imagine how God’s love could explode in our world if we all did something kind for someone else just once a day?

Just like I am starting small with my memory verses for 2019, you can start small with how you share the love of Jesus. If doesn’t have to be verbally or physically. It can be via text message, email or through social media. All it takes is a few kind words such as, I wanted to let you know how special your friendship is to me, I’m praying for you, God laid you on my heart today, is everything ok? or thank You for always posting positive messages on your social media. Think of ways this week where you can unleash God’s love to those in your sphere of influence. 

Dear Lord, 

Help me to remain faithful in Your teachings by doing everything in love. I thank You that You can speak to me through Your Word. Forgive me for not being diligent in my memory verses. I ask that You impress on my heart at least one person a day this week that I can share Your love through my words or actions. I praise You that you can use me to make a difference in Your Kingdom exactly where You have planted me. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

Memory Verse:

Do everything in love.” —1 Corinthians 16:14

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare be sure to attach a  tag to whatever gift you make.