God's Will or My Will?
My Will or God’s Will?
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”—1 Corinthians 14:33a (ESV)
How are you able to discern when something is the will of God or not? What I have found that is when I am doing something that is MY idea, I find myself frustrated because I am depleted mentally, physically and spiritually. However when something I am doing is God orchestrated I feel energized and alive.
Before I stepped out in faith to pursue getting my book published I wasn’t quite so sure if it was God’s will or not. I questioned why someone my age would start a blog and write a book that had to do with knitting. I even told God, Isn’t this something I should have been doing in my 30’s and not my 50’s? I’m not even that good of a knitter. There are way more qualified people than me, Lord. Are you sure?
Because of the clarity God has given me, I know that in my 30’s I wasn’t spiritually mature enough to embark on a journey such as this. While I loved the Lord and wanted to help others, I wasn’t confident enough in my faith walk to be as bold as I am being now. While there may be way better knitters than me, God knew my heart and how He could best use me to make a difference in His name.
As everything started to fall in place with my book, I knew it was all part of God’s plan for me. During that three month crunch of writing and knitting, I was on fire. I didn’t feel overwhelmed or anxious. I had no doubt that the Holy Spirit was flowing through my hands to finish the work He had started within me. Pursuing the passion that God placed within me took a giant leap of faith, but as the project all came together it was a confirmation that I was doing what God wanted me to do.
If you are having to make things happen and are stressed about what you are doing, then God isn’t it it. Listen to that nudge inside of you and stop what you are doing. Try imprinting 1 Corinthians 14:33 on your heart.“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.” If God is calling you to do something for Him, you should have peace and not unrest.
Dear Lord,
I praise You that You are the author of peace and not confusion. For those that are in a season of the unknown, I ask that You give them clarity on what Your will is for them. Clearly show them what direction You want them to take. I thank You that You can use Your Word and other people to give direction that leads not only me but also others to Your perfect plans for our lives. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
March Memory Verse:
“For God is not a God of confusion but of peace.”—1 Corinthians 14:33a (ESV)
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