Knit Pray Share

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Get Up and Move!

“Jesus looked at them intently and said, “Humanly speaking, it is impossible. But not with God. Everything is possible with God.” —Mark 10:27 (NLT)

On my own strength I can not release any anxious thoughts or feelings that are starting to take root, but when I go to God with them, He can release them from me. A few weeks ago, I wrote how when I stay in constant communion with God throughout my day, I experience calmness rather than chaos. 

I’ve also been convicted about how my prayer time has more asking than praising. Do I spend as much time thanking God for all that He is doing as much as I am asking Him to do things for me? Not really. I am definitely guilty of “telling” God what I want and then saying, “but Your will not mine.” Hoping that His will is the way I envision things. 

I need the Holy Spirit’s power to change this pattern. I can’t be different in how I approach God with my prayers without the help of my Helper. I know I need to be praising more than asking and trusting more than doubting God’s power.  

As I was sitting down and working on blog posts, my FitBit kept beeping to tell me I needed to get up and move!. For those of us that have a smart watch or fitness tracker that does this, what about if every time we get that notification, we also say a prayer of thanksgiving? This can also be a reminder for us to thank God for something He has done for us. It can be a simple, “Thank You, Lord, that I CAN get up and move, thank You, Lord, for technology, for the sunshine….” You get the idea. We all have at least one thing we can be thankful for in our day. Try implementing this for a week and see how your attitude changes.

When we find ourselves being more thankful for all that we have, our hearts our filled with peace and joy rather than fear and worry. So this week as you Get up and Move, make sure you thank God too.😊

Dear Lord,

Please forgive me when all I do is ask You for things rather than offer up praises to You for all of my blessings. I thank You that You hear may prayers. Please help me to remember that with You all things are possible….including changing my thought patterns. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

July Memory Verse: “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”—Hebrews 13:8

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