What Is Your Ministry?
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.”—Psalm 139:13
I don’t know about you but when I would hear the word, “Ministry” I automatically thought about the church….a physical church. When the Bible refers to “church,” it means God’s people working together to share the Gospel. That means, you and me are part of the church. One of the definitions for ministry on dictionary.com is, something that serves as an agency, instrument, or means. We are God’s instruments. We all have a ministry for Him.
When my first husband died, I was in such a state of despair, I didn’t want to exist. Other than being pregnant, I just couldn’t understand why God spared my life. John was a better person than me and had so much to offer. I won’t ever know on this side of Heaven, why his life was taken at such a young age, but what I do know is that because of God’s love, grace and mercy, He allowed me a second chance in life.
I knew John had a relationship with the Lord when he passed, but I couldn’t say the same about me. I can’t honestly say, that had I died that day, I know I would have joined him in heaven. Don’t get me wrong. I wasn’t a bad person, but I sure as heck didn’t know who Jesus was. I believed in God and I would sometimes pray (when I really needed something) but I was definitely a lost soul. I wasn’t totally on board on this “Giving my life to Jesus” mentality. Life was too short to not have fun.
Little did I know, that once I opened my heart to Jesus my life would be more full than I could ever imagine. Not only was I given hope, but my heart started to heal when I let Jesus into it. Through my tragedy, God opened the door for me to start a young widows ministry. I had no theological background, I just wanted to help others who were hurting like I was.
When God closed that door, He opened another by giving me the desire to want to learn how to make prayer shawls for those that were grieving. Now here I am over 15 years later, writing, knitting and sharing the love of Jesus through two things that I love to do.
If you are alive and breathing, God wants to use you too. Whatever your stage in life, He has a purpose and plan for you. I consider what I am doing as a “knitting ministry,” because I am serving God and others though my hands and heart. If you are homebound, being a part of a prayer chain is being a part of a ministry. Stay at home mom? Your children are your mission field. Wherever or whenever you are serving other people, you are serving God.
Where can you reflect the love of Jesus this week? Where has God equipped you to share His love to those around you? You are special and God formed you in your mother’s womb. You are no surprise to Him. He created you and has equipped you to serve Him. He just needs your willing and obedient heart.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for carefully knitting me together in my mother’s womb. I ask that You give me the eyes to see where You are at work in my life. Clearly open doors where I can serve You this week. I praise You that You have divinely placed me where I am today so that I can make a difference in Your Kingdom. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
August Memory Verse
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”—Matthew 6:34
Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.