Worry is a Waste of Time
“For the LORD your God is living among you. He is a mighty savior. He will take delight in you with gladness. With his love, he will calm all your fears. He will rejoice over you with joyful songs.”—Zephaniah 3:17 (NLT)
With my upcoming book launch, I am going to continue with Matthew 6:34 being my memory verse for September. I need to be reminding myself every day, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
Worrying is a waste of time. There is a phrase, “Have you prayed about it as much as you have talked about it?” I’d like to reword it to, “Have you prayed about it as much as you have thought and worried about it?” It is a choice on whether I am going to choose to live out this and last month’s memory verse. I can either let my mind be consumed by fear and worry or I can slam, that door and not be anxious about anything, pray about everything, tell God what I need and thank Him for all He has done. Where will I fix my mind today? Jesus or fear? Is my focus being loving and kind to others or on me?
When your life is aligned with God’s will, He will provide all you need. This past week, I received an email from my publishers marketing team asking me to create a launch team of family/friends and to also reach out to social media influencers that could help create a “buzz” for my book.
Initially, just thinking about who to ask or send my book to was overwhelming me. I didn’t know where to start, especially with the influencer part. As I started to let my mind fill with those anxious thoughts, I called out to God, Lord, remove these feelings, fill me with peace and lead me to the right people to reach out to about this book launch. I felt God tell me, I’ve got this. I will provide for you.
It isn’t selfish to ask God for things when what you are asking Him has to do with spreading the Gospel. Friday when I woke up, I started to stress about who I needed to contact. God gave me not one (Zephaniah 3:17 was the first one) but two scriptures from two different devotion books that were dated August 30th. The second scripture was, Give all your worries and cares to God, for he cares about you.—1 Peter 5:7
I did good for the day, but guess what happened the next morning? Yep….I woke up with that overwhelming feeling again. But you know what did God do during my quiet time? First He put this song in my head, There is Power and then He gave me this scripture “Don’t let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God, and trust also in me.” —John 14:1
Is my list of potential influencers complete? No, but God has given me peace and I trust that He will lead me to the right people at the right time, so if you have any suggestions, feel free to let me know 😉. As the song reminded me, there IS power in the name of Jesus and I am praying God’s favor over this book launch.
God spoke to me through both scripture and song to remind me that He loves me and will calm my fears. God wants to use all of us to share His love with those around us. He doesn’t want any of us to let worry keep us from doing His will in our lives. Do you believe God wants you to cast your worries at His feet because He cares for you? Let God’s peace fill your mind, heart and soul and see your life be transformed into one of trust and joy.
Lord, Help me to surrender what is on my mind. I release my worries to you. Your Word tells me to ask and tell You what I need. Thank You that You take delight in me with gladness and Your love is what calms my anxious soul. I praise that Your Word strengthens and encourages me. I praise You that you are behind the scenes aligning things perfectly for Your good. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
September Memory Verse
“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”—Matthew 6:34
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