Knit Pray Share

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Live Intentionally

Let me tell you why you are here. You’re here to be salt-seasoning that brings out the God-flavors of this earth. If you lose your saltiness, how will people taste godliness? You’ve lost your usefulness and will end up in the garbage.”—Matthew 5:13 (MSG)

In Matthew 5, Jesus teaches us what it means to be salt and light in our world. While this may have been written a very long time ago, it still applies to us today. I love The Message Bible interpretation of Matthew 5:13. Jesus is pretty much saying that if we want to be effective Christians, then we need to be doing God’s work where we live. Meaning, we have to live, think and act differently than the world around us.

Have you ever heard the saying, “Standing in your garage doesn’t make you a car any more that going to church every Sunday makes you a Christian?” Don’t get me wrong going to church every Sunday is a start, but if when you walk out those doors and don’t live like Jesus, then is the only reason you go to church to check a box?

God needs to be invading every day of my life, not just at a church service. I know when I don’t start my day with God, it is always more stressful. Even a simple, Thank You, Lord for another day. Be with me from the time my feet hit the floor until I am back in bed” is communicating with God.. He just wants you to acknowledge His presence in your life. 

If I am going to be the salt of the earth, I don’t want to lose my mission for Jesus. What good is it to say that I am a Christian if I am not doing anything about it? Verses 14-16 goes on to say how we are to bring lightness to the dark that surrounds us. This means, to make a difference, it takes more than going to church once a week. I need to be out in my community sharing the love of Jesus Monday-Saturday not just on Sunday.

I need to live intentionally. I live and love differently than the world tells me. We take our eyes off of our phones and start making eye contact and conversations with those around us. Will you join me this week, to try and make connections with those that serve us on a daily basis?

Dear Lord, 

Thank You that You are with me every minute of the day. Use my life as a light that will point other people to You. I ask that You give me the right words to say at the right time to the right person. Help me to live and love like Jesus every day not just on Sunday. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

January Memory Verse

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.”—Psalm 73:23

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