Knit Pray Share

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Planting Seeds

Go to work in the morning and stick to it until evening without watching the clock. You never know from moment to moment how your work will turn out in the end.”—Ecclesiastes 11:6 (MSG)

Has God planted a seed in your heart and you are frustrated because you know He wants you to do it, but the doors aren’t opening? That is what happened to me 16 years ago, when I learned how to knit. It took me two months to learn. Normally, I would have given up on the craft, but I really felt like it was something God wanted me to master. 

Shortly after, I thought that the reason God wanted me to learn this skill was so I could write a book. However, when I sat down to write, nothing of substance was flowing through my hands. I thought maybe I misunderstood God. Of course, now I can see that the seed had to be planted but the Gardener needed to fertilize, water and grow my faith before He could use me to write what needed to be written. 

When I get discouraged about Knit, Pray, Share, I think about what the lead pastor at church said one Sunday. He said,  “It only takes one person to start a movement but someone has to get up and move to do it.” There is power in one person. The enemy will try to talk you out of doing what God has called you to do because He doesn’t want it to happen. After attending a Christian writer’s conference three years ago and meeting with publishers and finding an agent, I had no doubt, that God wanted the book to happen. 

There are days when I think, “ Is anyone listening to me? Will others feel the same passion about sharing hand knit gifts as I do after reading Knit, Pray, Share or hearing me talk about it? Are any hearts being pricked? Is the book really making a difference? Am I? Yes, my mind goes there, but thankfully, I look back on God’s faithfulness in my life and I don’t get stuck in that mindset.

I know God did not lay this desire to start a knitting movement on my heart to fall flat. Sharing God’s love produces fruit not just in my life but the lives of others. Which means, I am going to keep on talking and writing about it. I will continue to be bold with my faith. I have to trust that God is at work behind the scenes. I am called to plant the seeds by sharing God’s Word and let God do the rest. I know when we share our time and talents with others that it helps make the world a better place. When we are kind to others, our kindness can soften hearts. Where can you sprinkle some love and kindness this week?

Dear Lord,

Thank You for Your strength and guidance to compete tasks that bring You glory. Open my eyes to where You can best use my time and talents to make a difference in my corner of the world. I know that when the desires of my heart are in Your will that You will continue to lead me and open doors for me. I ask for opportunities to plant seeds in other people’s lives this week. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

January Memory Verse

“Yet I am always with you; you hold me by my right hand.”—Psalm 73:23

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.