Knit Pray Share

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Change Can be a Good Thing

“We believe that we are all saved the same way, by the undeserved grace of the Lord Jesus.”—Acts 15:11 (NLT) 

During the quarantine, I was thankful that we had access to online church. The church that we had been attending for the past 12 years did not open until the end of August. We were invited to another church that had physically opened their doors at the end of June. We were ready for in-person church, so we decided to go. I had every intention to go back to the other church once they reopened.

However, I had a tugging in my heart that is was time to make a change. I really liked this church that we had been visiting, so I decided to go to some of their classes to find out more about who they are. After much prayer and discussion, last week, we decided to make the change. It was really hard for me, because I loved and had made so many friends where I had been attending, but God kept putting people in my path at this other church affirming this was where He wanted us.

I am not one to change churches. When we moved from Arlington to where we are now, I had been raising my children in the same church that I had gone to as a child/youth. I like familiarity, so this was not a decision I took lightly. In fact, I really struggled with it, but I felt as if God was leading us elsewhere. 

I feel as if God is going to move in ways that I cannot imagine by trusting Him in this new season of my life. I have already gotten plugged into a couple of small groups, one of which God divinely placed me with a woman that had been widowed 4 years ago and is still struggling with it. She and I had similar pasts. We didn’t’ live for Jesus or find Him until tragedy struck us. Hers was when her husband was diagnosed with brain cancer when she was pregnant. For me, it was after my first husband’s death

I wish my story was about how I was raised in the church (which I was) and found Jesus in my teen years, was baptized and lived for the Lord, but that’s not my story. The hymn, Amazing Grace makes me cry every time I hear it, because I was lost, but now I’m found, was blind but now I see. I continue to be in awe that as the songs sings, He saved a wretch like me. This is why I have such a passion to love like Jesus so that others have a desire to know Him. You don’t realize how empty your life was until you find Jesus.

Have you been praying for God about where you can serve Him best? Do you feel stagnant in your faith walk? If so, it might be time for a change. I am by no means advocating for you to change churches because that is not something to take lightly.  It could be just a matter of switching up your Bible reading or morning devotion time. Maybe you go to church or watch online weekly but haven’t taken the step to get plugged into some kind of small group or volunteer and this is where you need to make a change. Being a part of a church community has been an integral part of my faith journey. If it isn’t a part of your life, this might be something you can incorporate into it.

If you aren’t comfortable meeting in person, most churches have virtual groups as well as volunteer opportunities you can do from your home. Think of ways this week where you can partner with God to share His love in your community this week.

Dear Lord, 
I thank You for the gift of Your grace and mercy that I did nothing to deserve. I am humbled that You are a Shephard who grieves for those that are lost and wants nothing more than for Your children to find their way back home to You. I know You have a plan for me and will place me exactly where You need me so that I can continue to grow in my faith walk. For those that feel stagnant in their journey, I ask that You open their eyes to what changes they can make to best serve You. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

October Memory Verse

Will you join me this month to memorize Proverbs 27:17? It goes along with this week’s post. It is important to be part of a community where others support your faith journey as well as hold you accountable. I know know what I would have done the past 25 years without these friendships.

“As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.”—Proverbs 27:17 (NLT)

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.