Knit Pray Share

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Worrier or Warrior?

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear and timidity, but of power, love, and self-discipline.”—2 Timothy 1:7 (NLT)

One of the reasons that I wrote last week’s post, You Can’t Live in Fear, is from my life experience. That mindset was not my initial response when we first had the stay-at-home order. In fact, I was a little freaked out. If you look back at my posts from that time, they were titled, Peace Over Panic and Worry Less and Worship More. I was obviously, struggling with giving my fears over to God.

At one point, I didn’t even want to leave the house. I was making masks like a maniac for my family and friends. I don’t have underlying health issues or a compromised immune system, so why did I react like that?

At first, a small worry crept into my mind. Because I didn’t immediately give it to God, so as my day progressed that soon turned from “what-if” to a worst possible outcome. You watch the news and see the spike in COVID cases. While it is a concern, if I let that turn into a worry, it can quickly go from what if I get it? to seeing myself on a ventilator (true story). The next thing you know, I was afraid to leave my house. 

For me, personally, I had to get that thinking under control. I am healthy and am not caring for someone that is considered a high risk, so why was I so fearful? First of all, I was watching the news entirely too much, so that wasn’t helping, but most of all, I wasn’t giving my anxiety to the Lord. Once I let my mind go to the worst-case scenario, it is difficult to clear my head. All of these worries will weigh down my soul and I find it hard to pray and release it to God.

I realized that I had two choices. I could either become a prayer warrior or a worrier warrior. I could be faith and peace-filled or anxious and miserable. When I start to have worry/anxiety, as I inhale, I need to pray for God to fill me with His spirit and ask for His peace. Lord, I ask that You fill me with Your peace. As I exhale, I should be praying, Lord, I release worry, fear and anxiety to You. I need to be specific with what the worry, fear or anxiety is as I exhale it out of me. Every time that thought pops in my head, I repeat this.

When I become aware of my mind wandering, I have to decide on whether or not I am going to redirect those thoughts or let them spiral out of control. Like I mentioned last week, I don’t want to get sick. I am taking precautions when I go out as well, but I cannot live in fear of what might happen. Are there days, I slip and go back to old habits? Of course, that is why I need Jesus.

Being alert to those thoughts and giving them to God immediately will keep it from having a grip on me. If I find myself getting in that mindset, I have my “go to” scriptures that I repeat over and over…“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.—Matthew 6:34. This fills my mind with God’s truth rather than the lies of the enemy. I need to remember 2 Timothy 1:7. God is not the one who gives me the spirit of fear. He has given me power, love and the self-discipline. All I have to do is call on Him for it. 

Dear Lord,

Help me be a prayer warrior with a life filled with peace and unwavering faith. I praise You all things are possible, even eliminating obsessive thought patterns. Replace any panic that seeps into my mind with Your peace that is readily available. I thank You that You can change me from a worrier to a woman filled with calm and joy for You have given me a spirit or power, love and self discipline. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things.  Amen.

July Memory Verse

Will you join this month in memorizing Jeremiah 29:13 as a daily reminder of how we should be seeking God with our whole heart. When we do, we will always find Him.

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”—Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)

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