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Walking in Love

“Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.”—John 8:12 (NLT)

According to John 8:12, when I am following Jesus, I will not walk in darkness. When we expend our energy to help other people, so that the light of Jesus is dispersed in our community, not only will His light shine through us, but it also helps brighten our life too. 

Where can you spread some happiness this week? Being positive in the negative that surrounds us is a way to lift others up. Despite the darkness in our culture, we have an opportunity to shine the light of Jesus into the lives of others that God puts in our pathway.

I strive to treat others with love in all I do, especially those that I have no connection to such as clerks, delivery drivers and other essential workers. When I frequent businesses where the employees wipe down keypads, counters or carts after each customer, I make sure I thank the person that is doing it.

This past week as I was leaving the grocery story, there was a woman diligently wiping down the returned carts. I said, to her, “thank you for keeping the carts clean so others don’t get sick.  I really appreciate what you are doing.” It took her a moment to grasp that I was talking to her. It’s as if she thought, are you talking to me? When she realized I was, she thanked me. One small act such as this can change an individual’s attitude.

Our words can encourage another person to feel value at they are doing their job. The right words at the right moment can make all the difference in someone’s day. I can only hope that what I said to her was what she needed to hear. How many people that day walked by her and took it for granted what she was doing? Not me. I am truly grateful for all of our essential workers.

God wants to be known for His love. Now that life seems to have slowed down, we all have the opportunity to be more intentional with our gratitude when we visit our local businesses. Think about ways this week where you can walk in His love and radiate the light of Jesus to those that need to know what they are doing does matter and makes a difference.  

Dear Lord,

I praise You for that because of Your Precious Son, I no longer have to walk in the dark. Show me where I can be a light with all of the darkness swirling around our world. Lead me to people who are in need of encouragement.  Guide me to speak words of life and hope to draw others to You. Show me where I can reflect Your image by living in love and kindness. I thank You for the Holy Spirit which enables me to shine Your love to others. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

July Memory Verse

Will you join this month in memorizing Jeremiah 29:13 as a daily reminder of how we should be seeking God with our whole heart. When we do, we will always find Him.

“If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.”—Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT)

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