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When Disappointment Hits Your Door

“For everything comes from him and exists by his power and is intended for his glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.”—Romans 11:36 (NLT)

Last fall as my daughter was raising money for a Zambia trip and my husband and I were planning a trip to Italy, we never thought or imagined that that would all get cancelled due to a pandemic. Visiting another country did not happen for any of us. Were we disappointed? Of course we were, but in the big scheme of things that is what is was….a disappointment. 

Things don’t always happen as we envision them. Rather than work at a clinic in Zambia, my daughter and her professor were scrambling trying to find her a placement in Dallas. While this was not how she had envisioned her summer, she made the best of it. She was thankful for the internship. For me, it was nice to have her home for the summer. God willing she will able to go next year.

When my son and his wife’s lease was up a few months ago, we offered them our upstairs since they are both working or going to school remotely. They didn’t have to move in with us, but with my son finishing up graduate school and the unknown of where he will be working or living, it made the most sense. Since my daughter-in-law’s parents are our next-door neighbors, it has been the perfect set-up for them.

When life doesn’t look or turn-out like you imagined, you make the best of it and focus on all of the good that comes out of it. My daughter-in-law’s brother and his wife just had a baby. Living closer to them is giving her an opportunity to bond with her niece for the first 6 months of her life that she wouldn’t have had, if they hadn’t moved in with us. When she shared that with me, I told her, I love how you have found the silver lining in all of this. I am sure moving in with your in-law’s wasn’t something you thought you would be doing.

It is never easy to expect one thing and the opposite happen. Many times, we don’t get the news we want to hear. When this happens, it is easy to get depressed or feel sorry for yourself and that is exactly what Satan hopes you will do. He would rather you be angry with God for not giving you the answers rather than to see how God may be moving in the situation. 

God’s Word tells me in Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible for God. Jeremiah 33:27 tells us "I am the LORD, the God of all mankind. Is anything too hard for me?” So why do I have such a problem trusting God when it seems like a situation will never change? Rather than doubt God, I have to have faith that God is at work and I have to trust it will all work out according to His plan.    

God created every aspect of who you are so that you could glorify His kingdom. God creates and sustains us. Some of the definitions in Miriam Webster for sustain include, “to give support or relief to; nourish; keep up; and to bear up under” Even when we are going through difficult times, God is with us. He can work in us even when things are not going well for us.

Afflictions and trials can draw us back to God…it did with me. He can use our circumstances to change our hearts. Remembering who God is is what keeps our souls afloat during our storms. Where can you find the silver lining from a disappointment that has hit your door? Do you know someone that you can reach out to this week that is struggling in this area of their life? How can you help and encourage them this week? God laid the the song, There was Jesus on my heart yesterday morning. Maybe you can share this song with them as a reminder that they don’t ever walk alone.

Dear Lord,

Clear the path for where You want me to walk today. Open my eyes to Your mercy during challenging times to see that no matter what, You are with me. I praise You that I never walk alone. Thank You for Your Word that tells me that nothing passes through Your hands that can’t be used for Your glory. Nothing is too hard for You. I ask for the right words to say or action to take to help someone that is struggling with disappointment. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

September Memory Verse

Have you been able to make Proverbs 3:5-6 a part of your daily prayer life the past few months? I know I have been trying each day to repeat, Lord, help me to trust in You with all of my heart and not lean on my own understanding. I know when I seek You first in all I do that You will show me what path to take.

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.— Proverbs 3:5-6 (ESV)

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