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Appreciating Stillness

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.”—Psalm 46:10

God’s promises are in His Word, but it does no good reading and memorizing scripture if I don’t believe His Word is true. There are days that I let what is going on in our world create unsettling in my head and heart. I see a clip on TV or hear something on the radio and I go from praising God to doubting Him in a matter of seconds.

I have to keep reminding myself that none of what is happening in our world takes God by surprise. He is still in control despite it all. God is still here. He hasn’t left us. I don’t have to panic when chaos is around me. Most of the thoughts I have are false fears that I have created in my head. Many have had to do with the what-ifs of COVID.

COVID-19 is real, but I have chosen to not live in fear because of it. Because I am not immune compromised and don’t have any underlying health conditions or caring for someone that is, I have been living my life as normal as I can. The old me would have stayed locked in my house letting fear paralyze me. My reality is that I have a husband who still goes into the office daily and 3 adult children living under our roof that have other outside commitments. Not leaving my house would only perpetuate my anxiety.

In fact, as I type this, I am on day 8 of having COVID . I didn’t freak out when someone in the house got sick or when I started showing some symptoms. I stayed home and took the time to catch up on some knitting and writing. I have been taking this time of stillness to feed my soul. Fortunately for me, I have a milder case. Mostly cold like symptoms that haven’t hindered me from doing things that give me the most peace.

When my test came back positive my husband was shocked. He said, “you don’t act sick.” I said, “Well, apparently I am. This is how this stuff is spreading. People like me don’t think they are, so they are going out and exposing others.” He tested positive the day after I did and so far also has milder symptoms.

I can see how this can spread so easily. I had a low-grade fever in the morning, the first two days. Mostly stuffy head but overall not feeling too bad. Typically, after being fever free for 24 hours, if I feel better, I would be comfortable going out in public. That was why I got tested. I did not want to unknowingly expose people if I had COVID.

Having to quarantine has given me more opportunities to be still in His presence and appreciate my surroundings. I have especially enjoyed my daily walks taking in some sunshine, watching the birds and listening to them sing to me. My favorite bird, the cardinal has been a frequent visitor outside my window.

Being forced to slow down is not a bad thing. It helps me keep things in perspective and be thankful for all of my blessings. Despite being sick, I have found myself praising God more. This time of stillness has been a gift for me.

Unpredictability of the times in which we are now living can cause unrest but despite our circumstances, God is still with us. Even when I doubt God having thoughts such as, will things ever get better in our country/world?, God reminds me through my daily Bible reading of His faithfulness to His people. There were wars, plagues, moral depravity, social and political injustice during the Bible times too. None of what is happening is new to Him. His plans always prevail. Good can and will come out of the times in which we are living.

Do I believe God will fulfill His promises? Yes. Do I know when this will happen? No, but I trust that what His Word says is true. One day every knee will bow. For the scripture says, "As surely as I am the living God, says the Lord, everyone will kneel before me, and everyone will confess that I am God." —Romans 14:11 (GNT)

Dear Lord,

Help me to grow in certainty that Your Word will do exactly what it promises to do. Direct my steps to walk on the path of peace that only You can supply. I praise You that You are sovereign and one day You will be honored throughout our world. I pray for those who are sick and lift those up to You that are on the road to recovery. Help me to appreciate being still, take one day at a time and not fret about what tomorrow might hold. It is in Your precious Son’s name I pray these things. Amen.

January Memory Verse

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

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