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Am I Stingy With My TIme?

A generous person will prosper, whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.—Proverbs 11:25

At first, as I read this scripture, my initial thought was being financially generous. Of course, that is also one way to help advance God’s Kingdom, but He also wants us to be generous with our time. As I reflected on this scripture, I was convicted on how I can be stingy with my time. 

There are times when I know God is prompting me to visit someone or go to a gathering that I really don’t feel like attending. When I am tempted to ignore that inner feeling, I have to remember, this isn’t about me, it’s about God. If God is calling me to be a light in a dark place, as uncomfortable as that may be for me, He is with me and I need to listen and be obedient.

Did I always wanted to visit my sweet friend in memory care? No, but after I saw how excited she was when she would answer her door, I was thankful that God had pricked my heart to stop over to see her. When I choose to give of my time when I would rather do something else, God blesses me with more time to do what I would have preferred to be doing.

Being generous brings blessings, including being generous with how I spend my day. Remember that your small act of kindness can make a huge difference to someone else. Loving others with a generous heart is what makes God smile. 

When we are serving others, we grow spiritually. It frees us from being selfish with our time. I have been able to help at a couple of events at some senior housing, but not like I had been. God willing, when things get back to normal, I would like to go back to volunteering at a senior living facility. When we give of our time to minister to others, we are fulfilling God’s call for us. Where do you feel as if God is calling you to serve? What are some ways you can partner with God this year to be a blessing to others?

 Dear Lord, 

I ask for strength to do all that I can as often as I can for as many people as I can. Help me to live abundantly in this area of my life. Forgive me when I miss opportunities to minister to others. Show me where I can be a blessing to those around me this week. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

 January Memory Verse

Will you join me this month in imprinting Luke 1:37 on your heart. This is also my verse for the year. I need to repeat this every morning. With God, nothing is impossible.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

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