Knit Pray Share

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All Things Are Possible With God

“Jesus replied, "What is impossible with man is possible with God."—Luke 18:27

Because I am in the thick of making baby hats and starting up a new group for this, it is no doubt at the forefront of my mind. I wasn’t sure if I was going to write about this or not, but God gave me a confirmation when I opened my mail on Saturday. There was a letter from Pregnancy Help4U thanking us for our support in 2020 that also listed how many lives were saved….618!

Maybe these baby hats can help save more lives in 2021? It is something tangible that can be given to these mothers that give life to that unborn child growing inside of them. That small hat that is prayed over could be what changes an abortion minded person to choose life. It may be what softens their hearts to carry the baby to term….maybe not, but it is a way to be the hands and feet of Jesus by making these baby hats to give to women whose pregnancy has been confirmed through their sonogram.

This past Wednesday was the first meeting of the new knitting group. It was just me and one of my friends. I know Satan wanted me to be discouraged, but as my friend and I sat in the coffee shop, we could both envision the group growing. I am living out Luke 1:37. “For nothing will be impossible with God.” I am continuing with this scripture for this month to remind me to trust and believe that by February 28th I will have collected the needed hats to deliver on March 1st.

Since not everyone can meet the day/time or may not be comfortable with an in-person gathering, God prompted me to do a video about it. Last week, I posted it on my social media. I had several people respond that they wanted to help…even some from out-of-state! God is so good. If there are at least 25 of us making 8 hats a month, we will meet our 200 hats a month goal. As of today, there are already 33 hats!

God may call on us to take on a more difficult task because He wants to teach us not to depend on our own abilities but to solely trust in Him. This is definitely beyond my scope of abilities. Not knowing all of the details is a hard thing for me, but in faith, I am stepping out and trusting the One, who does.

It’s comforting to receive hand knit gifts. It gives hope that others care about you, even ones that you may never personally meet. Making these baby items for PregnancyHelp4 U is a way for others to pray God’s blessing over the mother and the unborn baby. A tag is attached to each hat with Psalm 139:13 on one side and a short note letting the mother know that someone prayed over it for both her and her baby. Who knows…those few words could be what points someone to Jesus.

What are some gifts that you can share that might lead someone to Jesus? Is God asking you to step outside of your comfort zone to help grow His kingdom? Are you willing to take the leap of faith and trust His leading?

Dear Lord,

When You place an impossible task in my path. I see Your in hand in it. I trust that You will provide the needed resources for whatever ministry You are calling me to do. I praise You, that You can use something as small as a hand knit/crochet baby hat to plant the seeds of choosing life. I lift up those who are hesitating to serve where You are calling them. Thank You, for the little things we can all do to make a difference in Your Kingdom. Let my words and actions be ones that point someone to Christ. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen

February Memory Verse

I am continuing to repeat Luke 1:37 every morning to remind myself that with God, nothing is impossible.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.