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Tuning into God

“Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.”—Romans 10:17 

When I read the Bible am I tuning into what God may be trying to tell me? The below situation occurred to me this past weekend. Some may say what I read was a coincidence, but I believe God was preparing me for the birth of my grand baby.

My son and his wife decided that they did not want to find out the gender of their baby. For the baby’s birth they also made the decision that they would let us know they had a healthy baby but would not reveal the sex or name of the baby until we met them in person. Being the type A planner that I am, it was driving me crazy!  

All along, I thought they were having a baby girl. That was until my morning Bible reading after I had received the text that my daughter-in-law was in labor. I was in Isaiah 66. I would like to mention; I am doing a one-year Bible reading plan and was a day ahead, so had I been behind or on track, I would not have read this verse on that day. When I got to verse 7,  I underlined the last part of it,  Before she was in labor, she gave birth; before her pain came upon her she delivered a sonI wrote a notation, Mallory in Labor 10-22-2021

While I know this scripture is about Isaiah prophesizing the end of times and a day of victory for Jerusalem, I felt like God was telling me they were going to have a boy. I sent my son the scripture and said, I think God is telling me that you are going to have a son. 

When we got the news at 11 pm that night that the baby had been born and weighed 9lbs 2 oz, I said, it’s a boy! I felt certain God had spoke to me that morning. Fortunately, the next day, they had a change of heart and FaceTimed all of us (his in-laws are our next-door neighbors) to introduce their baby to us…..a healthy baby boy! We will find out his name when we meet him in person.

When I talked to my daughter before we knew the baby’s gender, I told her, It’s a boy. God gave me Isaiah 66:7. She was a bit skeptical, but not me. I could have easily skimmed over those words, but I found myself underlining them and making a notation. I wanted to be able to remind myself about how God spoke to me on that day. 

In the busyness of our lives, how many times do we rush through scripture reading and miss God trying to speak to us? I am sure it is more often than I would like to admit. Thankfully, Friday morning, I was still enough to sit in His presence to let God reveal Himself to me. 

This week, I encourage you to set aside more time in your morning meditations. I plan on doing the same. Because God’s Word is living and active, it speaks differently to each of us. Whoever else may have been reading Isaiah 66 on Friday, more than likely did not have the same experience as I did. I am thankful for the sweet gift God gave me this past Friday morning with that scripture.

Father God,

Forgive me when I let the busyness of life interfere with spending time in Your presence. I thank You for Your Living Word that speaks differently to each and every one of us. I ask for eyes and ears to be open as scripture is being read this week. Help me to remember what Romans 10:17 tells me. Faith comes from hearing the message and the message is heard through the word of Christ. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

October Memory Verse:

Will you join me and not only imprinting Mark 16:15 on your heart but also living it out in your community?

“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

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