Knit Pray Share

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Called to Share the Gospel

“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

Our primary goal as Christians is to share the Gospel of Jesus. Each of us are given different gifts to accomplish this. Sharing the message of Jesus isn’t limited to preachers and missionaries. Telling others what Christ has done for me is one way I can do this. 

Looking back on my life as a stay-at-home mom. I can see how God was able to use me through being a volunteer at school, church, and sport activities with my children. God would open the doors for me to talk about my faith with others because of what I had been through. Even though we did a legal name change so we all had the same last name and my children called my husband, Dad, at some point my past would inevitably come up. This gave me an opportunity to share my faith story. 

Our ministry is no different than that of the Christians in the New Testament. Jesus wasn’t telling His disciples that Mark 16:15 was only for them. It is for us too. We are to proclaim as they did that Jesus is our Lord and Savior. Could I be asked to discuss the Gospel or lead someone to Christ? Do I have insecurities on what I will say? Absolutely, but I trust the Holy Spirit will empower me and give me the words to say should that happen. I know I can’t do this on my own strength. 

It is God’s will for us to share the Gospel with those around us. Now that my children are grown, I do it through my knitting. Both my words and actions are guided by the Holy Spirit. The past few years, I have made it a point to live more purposefully. God has laid it on my heart to knit gifts to give away to people that make a difference in my life. As part of the body of Christ, each of us has a role for the growth of the church. Right now, I feel as if this is one of my roles.

While God’s great commission is global, we don’t have to go abroad to preach the Gospel. God will use us right where we are. As I was writing this post the song,  Here I Am Lord, started playing in my head. I haven’t sung that song in years, so I know God was speaking to me. I found it on YouTube so I could hear the lyrics:

Who will bear my light to them? 
Whom shall I send?
Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night
I will go, Lord, if you lead me
I will hold your people in my heart

As I listened to the song it was as God was singing this to me. He is also singing it to you. We have opportunities at work, school, our neighborhood, businesses we frequent…God is limitless on where and how He will call and lead us to spread His love. When He leads us, will we go?

What are you doing or what can you do to share Jesus with those around you?  Our time, talent and faith are all things that can help expand God’s kingdom. Loving others doesn’t take any special skills. Something as simple as posting a scripture that spoke to you on social media could be the exact thing that someone you know needs to hear. “Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

Dear Lord, 

Forgive me when I miss opportunities to share the Gospel. I ask for strength, wisdom, and the words to speak when I encounter someone that is open to hearing about what You have done for me and what You can do for them. I thank You for the Holy Spirit that enables me to proclaim the Good News that Jesus is not just my Messiah but can be theirs too. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

October Memory Verse:

Will you join me and not only imprinting Mark 16:15 on your heart but also living it out in your community?

“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.