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Guarding Your Heart

“Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.”—Philippians 4:7

I make sure I lock my doors (including a video doorbell) and my money is safe, but what am I doing to guard my heart? How am I protecting my mind, eyes, and ears? What music, podcasts, TV am I watching/listening to? Am I spending more time on these things than spending time with God? If I have enough time to watch something on TV, yet realize I have a difficult time spending 15 minutes each morning with Jesus, I need to do a heart check. What I allow in my mind spills over into the rest of my life.

I was in a funk a few weeks ago and couldn’t understand why. Writing my weekly posts was a struggle. I had a hard time tuning out the lies from the enemy. I was having thoughts such as; How can you be the salt you are writing about when you are filled with strife?  You should skip this week and not write anything, nobody will notice….I know….all unhealthy thinking that limited how God could use me. I knew I needed to get back to the peaceful place that only Jesus could give me. 

I realized it had to do with what I was watching on TV and listening to on the radio. My radio station was on talk radio and I was tuning into the news on a daily basis. I found myself wound-up tight and feeling restless. Because of what I was allowing into my mind, I was having a hard time finding the good in our world. 

Once I was able to determine what was giving me such a sense of restlessness, my radio station was back to playing only music and no more 5:00 news each evening. After a few days, I was in a better place. It was a confirmation that I was listening to the Holy Spirit in that area of my life. 

I know it is important to keep up on current events, but not like I was. Filling my mind, ears and eyes with things that steal my peace is right where the enemy wants me. He knows I can’t be salt and share the Gospel with those around me if I am a nervous wreck. Turning off the news and tuning into God’s Word is what brought me back to where God wanted me. 

There are ways I can stay in touch with what is going on in our world without letting it steal my joy. I have to keep telling myself, God is in control. None of what is happening in our world is a surprise to Him. There is still good. Focus on that, not the negative that you see and hear. This is how I can be light in what might seem a dark world to many people. We have the privilege of taking the light of Christ with us wherever we go.

I have Mark 16:15 as my screen saver on my phone this month as a reminder of what I am called to do every day. I will continue this month repeating it. Each time I open my phone, I see the words, “Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

Father God, 

Forgive me when I am not in harmony with You. Fill me with Your peace. I praise You that not only do you direct my steps but when I stumble, I will not fall because You are holding me by the hand. I might trip up but You are always there to catch me. Thank You for the peace and joy that You provide me to guard my heart, mind and soul. Fill me up so that I can pour You out to those whose path I cross this week. I know you call me to preach the Good News of Your precious Son and will give me the wisdom and words to say at just the right time to just the right person. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

November Memory Verse:

Will you join me to continue to imprint Mark 16:15 on your heart and live it out in your community this month ?

“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

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