Knit Pray Share

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God's Affirmations

“You, LORD, give perfect peace to those who keep their purpose firm and put their trust in you.”—Isaiah 26:3 (GNT)

Whenever you are doing God’s work, the enemy is going to do whatever he can to get you off track. Doubting yourself is one of his tactics. A few weeks ago, I was letting the media influence my attitude which led to me doubting what God has called me to do. 

The devil really isn’t that crafty, he knows our weak spots, so that is where he aims to bring us out of God’s will. I started to wonder; Am I making a difference? Is God really using me? Do my knit gifts I give away really matter?

On one particular day where I was really questioning what I was doing, God used a sweet woman in the UK to let me know someone would notice if my weekly post wasn’t delivered to them. I received an email from her because she hadn’t gotten my last 3 posts.

Wow! I had literally written that week, would anyone really notice if I quit writing my posts? What a sweet gift of reassurance God gave me that day. After some digging, it turned out it was sent to her but was being bounced back due to her email server. What amazes me is God’s perfect timing. He knew I needed that affirmation from someone at that very moment.

When I get into that mindset, God will send me a message during my morning quiet time or through a text, email, or comment on my blog or Facebook page. It is usually from someone letting me know my post spoke to them. If you are one of those people, I thank You for listening to the nudge of the Holy Spirit. The enemy wants us to ignore those feelings, so we don’t act on them. That kind word, gesture, or smile can change someone’s day. Responding to those nudges in our everyday life is how we can advance God’s Kingdom.

Like I shared, the enemy wants us to buy into that lie that what we are doing isn’t making much of a difference, but when we are doing the will of God, His plans won’t be thwarted. God gives us encouragers along the way to keep on going down that path where He is leading us. That is how God works. He gives us those little confirmations to let us know we are doing is a part of His plan. 

It is humbling to know someone in another country found my book and has been inspired by it. She also gives me inspiration by sharing what she is doing in her corner of the world with her hand knit gifts. While I have never met her in person, I hope one day to make it to visit and be able to talk about Knit, Pray, Share with her group of stitchers.

I may not always feel worthy to do what I am doing but, I have no doubt God can and will use me right where I am. None of us are perfect and chances are we will fall back into unhealthy thought patterns…at least I do. It is normal to have days of doubt but letting them paralyze me to do nothing isn’t going to enable me to share the love of Jesus in my community. 

Can you think of someone that you interact with on a regular basis that might need some encouragement this week? Could it be that cashier or bagger at the grocery that may think they are invisible? In our rush of every day life, we may overlook thanking the person for putting the carts away, but that simple thank you could be exactly what they need to lift their spirit.

 Father God,

Thank You for Your immense love for me and giving my life purpose. I give You praise for Your Word that guides, encourages and helps me to focus on Your Work. I ask for forgiveness when I let doubt and confusion keep me from walking where You are leading me.I give You thanks for each and every person You use to encourage me when I get into those unhealthy mindsets. Let me that same person to someone else. I ask for Your discernment in every circumstance to do Your will. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things Amen.

 November Memory Verse:

Will you join me to continue to imprint Mark 16:15 on your heart and live it out in your community this month ?

“Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone.”—Mark 16:15 (NLT)

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.