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Weaving God's Word Within You

“Your word is a lamp to guide me and a light for my path..”—Psalm 119:105 (GNT)

Not only does God’s Word guide me when I walk, it protects me when I sleep and talks to me when I am away, but that is only if I know it. I am going to be honest here. I know I have a monthly memory verse, but I am not that good at it. It is definitely not one of my gifts. I can memorize it for that month but when I try to recall it a month or two later, I rarely repeat it verbatim. I can usually paraphrase it enough so that with the help of the internet or my Bible app I can find it. 

I do have the few below imprinted on my heart that I say when I wake up; Psalm 118:2, This is the day the Lord has made, let me rejoice and be glad in it. I also have gotten  into the habit to repeat September’s memory verse in the morning as well; “Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.”—Psalm 119:133  When worry starts to creep into my head, I repeat Matthew 6:34. I am just going to trust that God will give me the recollection when I need it for some of the others.

All of us are sinners. No matter how “good” we try to be, we can never be perfect. This is why God sent the Holy Spirit to help us. God wants our hearts not our hard work. He doesn’t love me any more or less if I am not able to quote scripture, but His desire if for me spend time in His Word daily. If you own a Bible and have access to the internet, you can find the scripture you may be looking for but can’t remember where it is. 

We can’t have growth if we haven’t prepared our minds and hearts to be transformed by the Holy Spirit. God can’t work in me if I am not doing my part. Reading the Bible, meditating on what I am reading and weaving scripture into my memory are ways I am trying to do this. What are some ways you are weaving God’s Word in you?

Father God,
I ask for forgiveness when I rush my time with You. Engrave Your Word on my heart. I trust You will give me recollection of scripture when I need it. I praise You for Your Word that is a light on my path. Help me to take delight and wonder in each step You take me. I thank You for those in my life who help me grow in my faith and Bible learning. I lift those up to You who are struggling with their spiritual walk. I pray for mentors to encourage them in their faith journey. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

December Memory Verse

Putting last month’s memory verse, Mark 16:15 as my screen saver, did help me to memorize it, so I plan on doing that again.

“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”—Psalm 119:105

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