Knit Pray Share

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Shining Your Light

 “Feed the hungry, and help those in trouble. Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you will be as bright as noon.”—Isaiah 58:10 (NLT)

Living out Isaiah 58:10 is a way to get out of ourselves and pour into the lives of others. Feeding the hungry isn’t just physical hunger but also those that may be starving spiritually as well. Sharing your faith isn’t only about talking about it with nonbelievers. It is also about sharing it with those that need to be encouraged, are weak or maybe even doubting their faith. Your faith can and should influence both those inside and outside of the walls of the church. 

The purpose of light is for us to see more clearly. This is also what happens when we accept Jesus into our lives. We start to see things through different eyes. Do you know what happens when you go through a tragedy? You either become a bitter or better person from it. At least I did. After my first husband’s death, God shed light in areas of my life where I had previously lacked compassion. God used my pain to soften a heart that was in need of some softening.

Jesus, the Giver of Light also opened my eyes to see my life more clearly. He showed me my purpose wasn’t only to be a mom and wife. He has been able to use my gift of compassion that I didn’t know I possessed to reach others through my speaking, writing, knitting and giving me a desire to love like Jesus in all that I do. 

For me, gift giving is an expression of love. It’s a way I can share the love of Jesus to those put in my pathway. We have had some REALLY cold weather in Texas which has enabled me to give away a hat and 2 scarves to some essential workers this past week. With everyone having to wear masks, they probably don’t get as many smiles or hear people saying, thank you. 

Typically, when I give away my gifts, I am by myself, but this past weekend, my husband was with me when I gave away one of my hats. I thought it would be awkward and might make him feel uncomfortable. The lines were super long at the self-check, so he went back to get something not thinking, I would be finished and waiting for him. Thankfully the clerk in this area was able to ring up his one item so he didn’t have to go to the back to the end of the line. It didn’t even phase him when I gave her the hat and thanked her for being so helpful. In fact, we both thanked her by name at the same time. She almost seemed shocked that we said her name.

Again, I was reminded how I need to be more intentional looking at name tags. I have tried to get into the habit of keeping a note on my phone for businesses I frequent and the employee names. This way I can pray for them ny name if they are brought to my mind or when I see them. It may not seem like much, but it is one way we can all be a little more like Jesus.

Where can you partner with God this week to be a blessing to someone else? What are some ways you can spread hope? I find the most peace when I am knitting and praying for others because it helps me set my mind on the things above. What activity gives you the most peace? Where can God use that in your life to be a light for someone else? Is there a person you see on a regular basis that you could give words of encouragement to let them know you notice them and they matter? Do you know their name?

 Dear Lord,

Illuminate the path for which You want me to take. Let Your light shine through me so that others may know You.  Help me to live and speak Your truth to others. I praise You that when I release my worries about what others may think, You will supernaturally lead and equip me with the words to speak. Use me as a vessel to be loving, kind and good to those around me.  It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

February Memory Verse

I am continuing to repeat Luke 1:37 every morning to remind myself that with God, nothing is impossible.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.