Knit Pray Share

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Dreaming Big For God

“may he equip you with all you need for doing his will. May he produce in you, through the power of Jesus Christ, every good thing that is pleasing to him. All glory to him forever and ever! Amen.”—Hebrews 13:21 (NLT)

God laid a dream on my heart of providing 200 baby hats a month for Pregnancy Help4U. While I don’t have my 50 people making 4 hats a month, there were several of us that were able to meet this month’s need. Actually 2 of the ladies made the majority of the hats. I am thankful for their hands, hearts and prayers, but do not want them to get burned out. I continue to pray for God to lead more people to be a part of this ministry. 

I know God’s timing is perfect. He placed me at this specific church at this specific time to make this happen. As long as I don’t give up, God will continue to provide. I stepped out in faith to start this new group. God will bless my obedience. 

My mission field isn’t being a pastor or missionary. It is right here and right now with knitting, praying and sharing my gifts with those in my community. Starting this new group through the church is a way for me to build bonds with other women who share the same passion. With only a handful of women making these baby hats, to my human eye, it seemed impossible, but God showed me He would bless the hands making them. 

As long as we go to God with open hands and a willing heart, He can use us to accomplish His will for us. He will equip us. Could God be calling you to start some kind of group or ministry in your community or neighborhood? I know it may be scary. Enlist a friend to join you. That is what I did. There was comfort knowing there would be at least the two of us, which is all there was at our first gathering. But guess what? Our second meeting there were four of us and our third meeting six!  This also doesn’t include the others unable to meet with us in person that are also making hats.

 Dear Lord,

Thank You for putting a big dream in my heart that only You can fulfill. Only You can provide the manpower to meet the needs of whatever ministry you lay on someone’s heart. Guide me to be a witness to others this week. Empower me to seize opportunities to build Your Kingdom in my corner of the world. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

March Memory Verse

We love because he first loved us.”—1 John 4:19

This verse is a reminder for us to not just be receivers of God’s love but to be a giver of His love too. It is through His supernatural love that flows through us that it can flow out of us into others.  

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.