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Nothing is too Hard for God

“O Sovereign LORD! You made the heavens and earth by your strong hand and powerful arm. Nothing is too hard for you!”—Jeremiah 32:17 (NLT)

 Nothing is too hard for God. Think about it. If God could form the earth out of nothing, there isn’t anything in our life that is impossible for Him. In the midst of whatever circumstance you may find yourself today, you always have God’s Word to hold onto. His Word does not change, nor does He. Hebrews 13:8

It could be you may have gotten off course and God is trying to direct you back to His will or it could just be a painful valley where you are going to have to trust that God is going to walk with you every step of the way. 

I don’t know what hardships or disappointments may be at your door today, but when you know you are being obedient to God’s call for you, have faith that God knows the final outcome….whatever that may be. It might not be how you envisioned it, but if you let Him, God will use whatever it is to bring Him glory. Sometimes trials produce things in us that we wouldn’t have been able to access otherwise. 

The devil wants to give you a limited perspective to try and keep you from listening to God’s call. He would prefer we play it safe and not take risks. He is going to try and get in our head and have us believe where God is leading us is going to fail. I know. It recently kept me from stepping out in faith. Why would God use me? I don’t know what I am doing. How can I be successful? All lies the enemy wants me to believe so I don’t fulfill God’s plans for me. 

When I minimize God’s plans for my future, I will lose out on His biggest blessings. I always go back to Ephesians 3:20 “Now all glory to God, who is able, through his mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think.(NLT)” He can do WAY more than I could ever ask or imagine. My greatest life experiences are the ones that I could not have possibly done on my own. Writing my books….that was God not me. He inspired my hands. He does now. What I write is from Him. I am just His vessel to do His work. This new baby hat ministry….Him not me.

God can use our testimony to help other people too. I am able to share how knowing Jesus has changed my life. All of us have some kind of brokenness in our life or experience we have had that can give someone else hope. It could be from a dysfunctional family/childhood, an illness, divorce, death, job loss, caring for a sick loved one, an aging parent, infertility, finances, addictions, a prodigal child….We have all experienced something in our life where we can share how we got through those times despite our circumstances. We can be a beacon of hope for someone else. God can use our pain and experiences, both good and bad to help other people.

No matter your conflicts or tribulations, God is with you. Are you praying for deliverance from your problems more than you are praying to your Deliverer? Do you believe that God’s power for you is within your reach? We all have access to the Holy Spirit. Every morning I ask for God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. When I invite God into the start of my day, it goes much better.

If you are in the midst of a struggle and not sure what to do, have you asked God for the needed strength to get through each day? Your problem can be a pathway that leads you closer to God. Remember, that even when things don’t’ make sense, God is still behind the scenes working. 

Dear Lord,

When things don’t make sense, give me the courage to follow where You are leading me .Forgive me when I question Your ways and listen to the voice of the enemy. Despite my feelings of inadequacy, I know You will empower me to fulfill Your calling. I praise You that nothing can prevent Your perfect plans for me to come to fruition. I ask for continued direction on where You are leading me. Use me as a vessel this week to be a blessing to someone else. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen

February Memory Verse

I am continuing to repeat Luke 1:37 every morning to remind myself that with God, nothing is impossible.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

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