Knit Pray Share

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How Are You Using Your Gifts?

“A spiritual gift is given to each of us so we can help each other.”—1 Corinthians 12:7 (NLT)

When we live our life, using the resources that God has given us to bless others, those things have eternal value. We are to enjoy our blessings, not hoard them. I know many have taken the extra time they have had in their homes to clean out closets and donate items that they may love but know if they haven’t used or worn something in a year then it is time to let someone else enjoy it.

Ultimately, we are responsible on how we use your time, money and talents that God has entrusted in each of us. The more we have, the more responsibility we have to share it. Not only does it please God when I am using my gifts to glorify Him, but it also blesses me.

Last week at the new knitting group, there were 3 of us. Each one of us has a unique role. One of my strengths is leading and organizing, however, I also know how much I need others to make this group a success. Right now, I have someone who is not just creative with ideas, hats and patterns but between her and the other lady, they have crocheted over 50 hats! Our other member has the gift of boldness. She walked over to two young women at the coffee shop and recruited another person to help with the hats. There are also many who are unable to meet in person but can still make hats. Whether is is from our home or meeting in person, we each have a spiritual gift to help one another.

God works through us and He will lead you on how to best use your spiritual gifts to both benefit His Kingdom and others. Ask God to direct you to an area where you already have a passion. Everyone who serves the church has a vital role. No one is invisible to Him. Whatever you do to serve the church honors God. If we stop short of God’s destiny for us, we will never find our call. The church suffers as a whole when we aren’t using our spiritual gifts to bless others. Not sure what they are? Take an online spiritual inventory such as this one, or you can download and print one from Lifeway.Com

Has God pricked your heart or opened a door to where you can serve Him? You may not have a craft to share with others, but if you have leadership qualities, it doesn’t take much to organize a group. Something as small as starting a neighborhood Facebook group or some kind of group text enables you to put together a last minute outdoor neighborhood get together if the weather is nice.

Enjoy baking? Who can you bless with a homemade treat this week? Are there any young parents in your neighborhood that don’t have family to help watch their children for 1-2 hours so they can run a few errands? Do you have an elderly or immune compromised neighbor that is homebound that you can reach out to before you go to the grocery store to see if they need anything? What about having an upbeat and positive attitude at your place of employment creating a ripple effect? Whether you realize it or not, these are all gifts that many of us possess that we can use to bless those around us.


Help me to use the gifts You have given me to be a blessing to someone else. Please forgive me when I am resisting what You are calling me to do. I ask for a willing and obedient heart to walk through the doors that open for me to serve in my community. I praise You that You can use every person’s talents or abilities to make a difference in Your Kingdom. I ask for courage for those that are hesitating to step out in faith because of the unknown. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen

February Memory Verse

I am continuing to repeat Luke 1:37 every morning to remind myself that with God, nothing is impossible.

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”—Luke 1:37

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.