Knit Pray Share

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Living For Jesus

“So all of us who have had that veil removed can see and reflect the glory of the Lord. And the Lord—who is the Spirit—makes us more and more like him as we are changed into his glorious image.”—2 Corinthians 3:18

How can I leave my mark on this world? We are made more and more like Christ by having a desire to make a difference right where God has placed us. However, I can’t idly sit and wait for something to happen. God will take a willing heart and provide the resources to do His work for His Kingdom. 

When you earnestly seek God in prayer asking for Him to show you where He wants you to serve, He will guide you on the journey. Initially, my desire to want to learn how to knit was for selfish reasons. I was looking for a hobby to fill idle time while I was at my son’s swim practices. Obviously, God had a bigger plan for my reasons for wanting to learn. I have had younger women reach out to me to see if I can teach them. I can’t help but wonder if any of them will have the same compulsion to start some kind of ministry with the craft. 

For me, this is a way to make Jesus known to others. The coffee shop in which we are meeting has asked if it was okay to put our group on their calendar. I am in awe at how God has provided this opportunity for us to possibly recruit or teach other women how to make the baby hats. God is continuing to open the doors for this ministry, so I know without a doubt that I am exactly where He wants me right now. When we partner with God, He will use us to fulfill His purpose. 

As a church of believers, we are all equipped in some way to serve and care for others. What you are doing may not be noticed by others but the one you are helping notices and most importantly, God sees what you are doing to meet the needs of His children. I may not be serving in the physical church building every weekend, but I do give in other areas of support. I can’t compare my service to others. God places us where He needs us the most. Where has God placed you?

Last week, one of the questions I posed was, Ask God to put friends in your life that you can mentor that might need a strong Christian role model in their life. Did anyone come to mind as you read that? It could be this is where God is calling you to serve right now. It may not be a place but a person who needs the love of Christ. With Easter this weekend, it could be the perfect opportunity to reach out to them and invite them to go to church or watch it online with you.

This is where having community with other believers is so important. They can pray for us when we are put in situations where we know God can use us. The love, support and prayers are what give us the strength to trust God to be able to minister to those He lays on our hearts. We are able to live for Jesus as we step out in faith and trust God to use us to serve wherever He plants us.

Dear Lord,

Thank You for removing the veil so that I can reflect the glory of Jesus. I give you praise that you have equipped me to love others through the power of the Holy Spirit. Use me to reflect Your light to someone this week. Forgive me when I miss opportunities to share my faith with others. I ask for boldness to reach out to someone who needs to hear Your message about Easter.  Continue to open my eyes to those that are in need of Christian fellowship. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

March Memory Verse

How have you done with this month’s memory verse? Have you been able to love others because He first loved us? Have you been able to experience His supernatural love flowing through you to others He has put in your pathway?

We love because he first loved us.”—1 John 4:19

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.