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Saving Lives

“You intended to harm me, but God intended it all for good. He brought me to this position so I could save the lives of many people.”—Genesis 50:20 (NLT)

In my Bible reading plan, one of the devotions recommended memorizing Genesis 50:20. Joseph had been sold into slavery by his own brothers. However, Joseph could see God’s hand through it all and how what his brothers had meant for evil, God used to save the lives of many people. The scripture is a reminder that no matter what evil or bad things may be happening that God can use them for His good. Our past mistakes can not stop God from working in our life.

Initially, the skeptic in me thought, This scripture applies to Joseph, not me. He saved the lives of thousands of people. Joseph was a big wig. God used Him for BIG things. How can God use me to save lives? Of course, those are all lies, the enemy wants me to believe so that I let doubt keep me from doing something God has laid on my heart. God quickly brought to mind the baby hat ministry that I have started. I have no idea if what I am a part of could be saving lives, but God knows. 

Someone may be brought to this group that will gain needed friendships or possibly find a new hobby to fill lonely days/nights. Unborn lives might be saved when a young woman who thinks her only option is to terminate the pregnancy, yet when she hears the heartbeat and reads the tag on the hat she receives will not only choose life but might also starts searching for the Lord? I don’t know what will come of this ministry, but what I am sure of is this… God is working behind the scenes as long as I continue to walk with Him. Not knowing on this side of eternity how our words and actions are impacting God’s kingdom shouldn’t stop us from doing something that we feel is being led by God.

The church I am going to just wrapped up a sermon series called, Seeds. The ladies’ small group I am a part of has been very supportive of the baby hat ministry for Pregnancy Help4U. We have all been amazed how the two have come together. Especially when a few of us attended a ladies tea fundraiser for the organization this past Saturday. They talked about the seeds we are planting and the harvest that will come as a result of our contributions.

This is exactly, what God has been teaching us through our church study. One of the ladies from my Bible study, (who is also making hats) said, God planted the seed in Lisa to start this ministry and look at how God has used the effort of one to multiply. God’s seed was planted in the soil of all of our hearts to be a part of it too. Then we go to this ladies tea and the words spoken are what we had discussed at our group…another confirmation from God, that we are planting the right seeds for His harvest. Only God could orchestrate the timing of this. It still amazes we how this sermon series and the baby hat ministry have intersected like this.

While none of us may be a “Joseph,” I do believe, no matter our past, God can use each and every one of us to make a difference in someone else’s life. We may not save as many lives as Joseph did, but we can try to save just one. Our kind words or actions could be the reassurance that someone needs. All we can do is be obedient to where we feel God is leading us. Can you think of someone that is hurting that could use some encouragement? Could your words or actions be what gives hope to one person? You may never know if the seeds you are planting are taking root. It doesn’t’ matter. What matters is that you are living your life loving God and loving others. 

Did someone come to mind as you read this? If not, what would happen if every day this next week, you made it a point to make sure you compliment at least one person a day?  It doesn’t have to be a stranger. It can be in your own home, place of work or done via email or text. Your kindness could be what gives someone the needed affirmation that their life does matter. This is a way for us to honor God as we share His love to those around us.  

Dear Lord, 

Show me ways this week where I can share Your love through a kind word or compliment to someone put in my pathway. Forgive me when I miss opportunities. Reveal to me any excuses I may be holding on to that keep me from following Your will in my life. I know You will give me the right words to say when I listen to that nudge to speak words of love to someone. For this I give You thanks. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

March Memory Verse

We love because he first loved us.”—1 John 4:19

This verse is a reminder for us to not just be receivers of God’s love but to be a giver of His love too. It is through His supernatural love that flows through us that it can flow out of us into others.  

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.