Knit Pray Share

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Full Heart

“You have shown me the way of life, and you will fill me with the joy of your presence.”—Acts 2:28 (NLT)

This past week I had the opportunity to do a book signing at a yarn store. I did it on Thursday evening for their Sit and Knit and again on Saturday. Even though at past signings, God has been faithful, I still have a little bit of anxiety before this kind of event. You never know if anyone is going to show up for it. Thursday night, I was also going to speak a little bit about my book. What if it is only me and the shop owner? Who really wants to hear about Knit, Pray, Share?

The store is a little over an hour drive from my house. To not feed into those anxious thoughts, I decided to listen to praise and worship music during that time. When I heard one of my favorite songs, Crowder, Good God Almighty,  As I was singing the lyrics, Tell me, is He good? (He's good) Tell me, is He God? (He's God). Hе is Good God almighty. I was reminded of God’s love for me. He is good. He is mighty. He is with me. That is enough for me at any book signing event. 

I had heard another author say, every book sold is an answered prayer. So, if only one book was sold, that was one answered prayer. Thankfully, it wasn’t just me and the store owner on Thursday evening. It was a nice group of ladies where I made some new friends. Not only that, but God blessed me with the presence of a woman named, Cathy.

You see, two years ago at the North Texas Yarn Crawl (September 10-19 this year), right before my book release, I met a woman who was going through chemotherapy. She asked me about my shirt (of course, I was wearing one that said, Knit, Pray, Share hoping to talk about it). I told her about my book. She let me know she wanted to buy it when it came out. I said, I have some in my car, let me sign one and give it to you now. All I ask is that you Knit, Pray and Share your hand knit gifts. That is how you can help me promote it. 

Fast forward to Thursday night when a woman came up to me and said, I am sure you probably don’t recognize me. I met you 2 years ago, when I was going through chemotherapy and didn’t have any hair. You gave me a signed copy of your book. I wanted to come here tonight to let you know how much that meant to me. Honestly, I had totally forgotten that I had done that. I hadn’t thought much about it after that. However, she didn’t forget the kindness of a stranger.

We never know how our one small act of kindness whether it is a physical gift or a verbal encouragement or compliment, can impact the lives of someone else. To say my heart was full after this encounter is an understatement. On my car ride home, I kept thanking God for giving me the opportunity to meet her again. 

As I drove back to the second signing on Saturday, I didn’t have any negative thoughts as I did on Thursday. I walked into the store, knowing God was with me. Not only that, all but one book sold!! The store owner exudes, love, joy and kindness to all who enters her store, how could I have doubted that people wouldn’t show up on Thursday or Saturday? God blesses those that bless others. Who can you be a blessing to this week? 

Dear Lord, 

Forgive me when I let doubt and worry crowd my mind and forgot how faithful You have been to me. Thank You for filling me with the joy of Your presence. I give you praise for blessing me with a full heart when I have done nothing to deserve it. You are good. You are Almighty. You love me even when I have a hard time trusting You will provide. Lead me to someone to be a blessing to this week. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

April Memory Verse:

My memory verse for this month is from the Lord’s prayer.

“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”—Matthew 6:10

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.