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God's Guidelines

“Study this Book of Instruction continually. Meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.”—Joshua 1:8 (NLT)

A few weeks ago, I shared how Jesus gave us The Lord’s Prayer as a model on how to pray. We also have His Word through the Bible at our fingertips to use as our guide. It got me thinking about something that happened to me as a young adult when my dad trusted me follow his guidelines with my finances. 

Back in the day, as a college freshman, even though I had access to ATM’s to withdraw money, there was a fee to do that. The most cost-effective way to get money was to cash a check. Along with this, I would record all of my checks in a register so I would know my bank balance. If I knew I only had $40 in my account, I wouldn’t try and cash a check for $50. My father had informed that there was something called Insufficient Funds where that check would bounce, and I would be charged all kinds of fees if that occurred.

My dad was an accountant, so along with never let your gas tank get below ¼ tank, he also told me, don’t let your bank balance go below $50. Math has never been my strong point, so my dad was the one who would balance my checkbook whenever I would go home. My first semester that wasn’t until Thanksgiving break. Imagine my dad’s surprise when he was balancing my checkbook and realized I only had $5! In my defense, I thought I had the $50 minimum. What my dad failed to tell me was that there was a $10 monthly service fee and a cost for when I ordered more checks. What??? 

Needless to say, he wasn’t too happy, but he gave me some grace. Even though I thought my dad was being a bit extreme mandating that $50 balance, I did it because those were his rules. Had I not, checks would have bounced, and those fees add up. There is no grace with the bank for my lack of accounting skills. I didn’t know there was a monthly fee or check charge wouldn’t have erased those fines. It is in the fine print, which I obviously did not read. 

Just as my dad had expectations for me because he loved me, so does God. The Bible is His guidebook for all of us. His commandments are not suggestions. They are a way for us to live. We experience a better life when we live like Jesus. Jesus came so we didn’t have to live under all of the rules and regulations that were put upon the people in the Old Testament. The New Testament tells us that the two greatest commandments are to love God and Love others. As believers, this is what we are all called to do. 

God wants my heart and when I get off track, I may suffer some bumps and bruises for my lack of obedience, but I am not spiritually depleted and stamped with insufficient funds because my loving Father always welcomes me back home. We have the Bible, His guidebook that will always lead us back to Him and His will for our lives. Praise God for His grace and mercy.

Dear Lord,

Forgive me when I don’t go to Your Word for guidance or let my thoughts take control of my mind.  I thank You for Your grace and mercy when my focus is on the worldly things and not on You. No matter how spiritually depleted I may feel, I know where to go to be filled up. I give You praise for the peace and reassurance You give me when I truly seek You. I ask for wisdom and words for when I encounter someone who is seeking You. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

April Memory Verse:

My memory verse for this month is from the Lord’s prayer.

“your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”—Matthew 6:10

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