Knit Pray Share

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Faith or Fret?

“Don't worry about anything, but in all your prayers ask God for what you need, always asking him with a thankful heart.”—Philippians 4:6 (GNT)

In Philippians 4, Paul is addressing the people in the church. If anxiety was a problem for them, it shouldn’t surprise us that so many people today also struggle with it. After a Google search I found there are over 100 Bible verses that say, fear not or do not be afraid. Obviously, something humanity has been dealing with since the beginning of time.

What troubling thoughts torment you when you lie awake at night? Do you believe the Lord is near? Since God’s Word tells us He is with us, we have Him to calm that anxious thinking.  What thoughts are you letting creep into your mind to steal your joy? I don’t know about you but for me, it is those what if  thoughts that I let hijack my head. In all honesty, worrisome thoughts are what steal my peace.

The enemy’s desire is to enslave our minds to fear and worry. However, God’s Word tells us we don’t have to let it rob us of our joy.  When I let my thinking go haywire, my actions don’t align with God’s Word. By allowing worry to fill my thoughts, I am messing up God’s plans to bless me with His peace.

Do you ever find that some of the same concerns creep their way into your head before your feet hit the floor? I know I do. One way to keep worry at bay is to go to God first thing in the morning. God’s Word tells me, when I go to Him in prayer, He will free me from my fears. I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears.” —Psalm 34:4 If I don’t do this, it will be hard for me to hear from God. Without an atmosphere of peace in my heart, I am going to block God’s blessings for my day.  I can’t share the love of Jesus when I walk out my door if I am filled with fret.

I don’t know about you, but there are days I wake up with something on my mind and rather than give it to God, I start my day thinking about those what ifs. Thankfully, we all have access to the Holy Spirit to help us conquer those fears, but only if we tap into that free gift. The lies of the enemy are doubt, anxiety, fear, discouragement and unbelief. When these things flood our mind, we need to remember who God is. Jesus has authority over the situation. He is mighty and nothing is beyond His care. He loves, forgives and redeems us. These truths don’t ever change and neither does He. 

Dear Lord,

Forgive me when I let tangled thoughts push out the peace you offer me. Guide me to Your Word when I let fear park in my head and heart. Thank You for Your grace and mercy for loving me even when I fall into old habits of worry. I give thanks for Your Words of encouragement. You are near. I praise You that I can call on You any time of the day. Forgive me when I forget Your presence is continually with me. I ask for Your peace this week to guard my heart and mind. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things.

May Memory Verse

“It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God.” –2 Corinthians 3:5 (NLT) 

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