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Fragrance of Christ

“For we are like a sweet-smelling incense offered by Christ to God, which spreads among those who are being saved and those who are being lost.”—2 Corinthians 2:15 (ESV)

We are to be ready for Christ’s return. This is a command (Matthew 24:42). No matter how crazy our world gets, we should be sharing the Gospel. Part of how we do that is by spreading the love of Jesus. 2 Corinthians 2:15 tells us, “For we are like a sweet-smelling incense offered by Christ to God, which spreads among those who are being saved and those who are being lost.”—2 Corinthians 2:15 (ESV)

Am I leaving the fragrance of Christ behind me wherever I go? Am I willing to be bold in my faith sharing it with others? I had an opportunity last week to share a prayer shawl with someone who was recently widowed. Because I didn’t know her that well, I had no idea if she was a Christian. Not knowing someone’s beliefs shouldn’t keep me from doing what I feel God is leading me to do.

With my shawl, I attach a tag that includes a scripture on one side and a note letting them know I am praying for them to feel God’s loving arms around them when they wrap themselves in it. It is a subtle way for me to plant the seeds of God’s kingdom into the lives of those that don’t know Jesus or give some hope to those that do. I will be honest; I was hesitant at first about putting that tag on it. However, earlier that week, I had read a devotion that said that by not sharing my faith I could be blocking someone from God’s kingdom rather than opening them up to it. 

My refusal to not write or talk about my faith with someone could be shutting a door on a person that God could have reached through something as simple as giving away a prayer shawl. God will unlock the doors to people’s hearts for us. Will we listen when He does? I don’t know about you, but with the way our world is right now, I am more concerned about reaching lost souls through loving like Jesus than worrying what people may think about me sharing the Gospel.

There is fulfillment in planting seeds. Being an empty nester has given me the opportunity to live more for God and less for me. How are you motivated to grow God’s Kingdom to enrich the lives of others? Are you willing to be bolder in your faith to do this? What is something you can do this week shine the light of Jesus into someone’s day?

Dear Lord, 

Use me as an instrument this week to share the love of Jesus with someone that might not know you. Help me to live more for You and less for me. Forgive me when I miss an opportunity to be bolder in my faith with someone that may not know You. Let me be a pleasing aroma of Christ among both those being saved and those who are lost. Thank You that the more I mature in my faith the more I become a fragrance of Christ. I give thanks forYour grace, mercy and leading in all I do. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen. 

July Memory Verse:

Memorizing Hebrews 10:24 is a reminder for me to be thinking of ways I can encourage others in my small groups.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,”—Hebrews 10:24

Please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.