Knit Pray Share

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Arrow Prayers

“When you pray, don't talk on and on as people do who don't know God. They think God likes to hear long prayers. Don't be like them. Your Father knows what you need even before you ask.”—Matthew 6:7-8 (CEV)

I used to be intimidated to pray out loud, especially in a group. In all honesty, I am still not totally there yet. I definitely am not the first to raise her hand or volunteer to pray in a group of people that I don’t really know. 

However, as I have grown in this area, I have come to realize that God doesn’t ask for eloquence or long-winded flowery prayers. God only wants a willing heart. I started small with dinner prayers when my children were toddlers. They were the perfect audience. They didn’t judge and I didn’t worry about what I said or how I said it. 

Prayer is a conversation with our friend whose name is Jesus. God wants a sincere heart not well-spoken words. A simple heartfelt prayer is better than a wordy one from an empty heart. When we pray, it connects our spirit to God’s. As I pray, I am partnering with the Holy Spirit. 

It seems like lately I have been sending up a lot of prayers that are quick and to the point. These are called arrow prayers. When you hear or see a need you shoot up a prayer right then and there. You get a text message, email or see a post about a prayer request…pray as soon as you read it or you might forget.

As I type this post, I can think of multiple people in need of prayers. I am praying for them as I am typing. I ask God before I leave the house to use me where He needs me. I am thankful for the privilege to pray anytime and anywhere. 

Arrow prayers aren’t just for other people. I need them for me too. Something heavy on my mind before I get out of bed? Prayer is my best defense. When I shoot up prayers, they also deflect strongholds in my mind. I know I have to bring that troubling thought to God or that concern will turn into a full-fledge worry throughout my day. Prayers don’t always have to be first thing in the morning or when I go to bed at night. We have the privilege of lifting up prayers to our Lord and Savior the instant we need one. …arrow prayers.

As disciples of Christ, we have the privilege to pray on the behalf of others. When you feel prompted by the Spirit to pray for someone , don’t think, “This is crazy, I haven’t seen this person in years.” Pray as the spirit it nudging you. You may never know the outcome of that prayer, and that is okay. 

If you haven't ever sent up prayer arrows, why don’t you try doing it this week. Anytime you feel that nudge to pray for a person, lift them up to the Lord. Lord, this person has come to my mind, I don’t know what they need, but You do. After I do this, I also make a note to myself to follow up with a text or email to check on that person.

Dear Lord,

Forgive me when I ignore Your nudges to pray for someone that You have laid on my heart. Illuminate my mind and move my heart to hear Your voice. I praise You that You are available any time of the day to listen to my requests. I thank You for the Holy Spirit’s intercession when I don’t know what to say or do. I praise You for this precious gift. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen

August Memory Verse:

Memorizing Hebrews 10:24 is a reminder for me to be thinking of ways I can encourage others in my small groups.

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works,”—Hebrews 10:24

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