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Attitude Determines Actions

“Put on then, as God’s chosen ones, holy and beloved, compassionate hearts, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience,”—Colossians 3:12 (ESV)

Several months ago when I was checking out at the grocery store, I commented to the clerk how nice it was that she was so friendly. Her response was something to the effect, “honey, just because I might be having a bad day, shouldn’t affect you.” Simple, but profound. How many of us take out our bad mood on those around us? Or how many of us let someone else’s bad attitude ruin our day? 

I have to ask myself, Is my behavior worthy of the Gospel of Christ? When I let my opinions rule over unity and love, I need to be getting on my knees and asking God to give me the mind of Jesus to be a Christ-like peacemaker. How I respond to someone’s actions is up to me. God doesn’t hang on to my offenses so I shouldn’t be hanging on to someone else’s. As you are able to let go of that grudge, God lifts your heart. 

When someone is rude or snaps at me, I need to be careful to not react in my flesh. I should respond in love (not always easy, I know). I have no idea what is going on in that person’s life. Maybe they just received an unexpected diagnosis for themselves or a loved one. They could have a prodigal child that you resemble. A recent job loss might be the cause of their mood. Stress can make many people unpleasant to be around. Let’s be different. Their behavior isn’t about you, it’s about them. 

The attitude of other people shouldn’t be a factor in how you treat them. Just because someone is not being friendly toward you doesn’t mean you don’t respond back with kindness. I need to be mindful to show God’s love to those that may not seem to want to receive it. You never know, you might soften their hearts.

If tempted to respond in anger, what would happen if each of us responded in kindness? Rather than harbor resentment toward the person, we have compassion. Having the warmth of Jesus flowing out of us to others can change our world one person at a time.

Our thoughts, words and actions impact those around us. We really need to choose them wisely. God has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit to live in us. If my behavior is not glorifying God, then my personal ministry isn’t glorifying Him either.  Putting our behavior alongside Jesus can help make our world a better place.

Are love and compassion your basic all-purpose garments that you clothe yourself in daily?

Dear Lord,

Forgive me when my attitudes and actions aren’t God honoring. Thank You that you are merciful and forgive my sins. Help to see and believe the best in people. Pour Your love into me so that it will overflow to those around me. Clothe me with love and compassion to use me as a beacon of grace and peace to those that are put in my path this week. It is in Your precious Son’s name, Jesus, that I pray these things. Amen. 

September Memory Verse

“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.”—Psalm 119:133

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