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Putting God in Charge of Your Work

“Commit your works to the LORD [submit and trust them to Him], And your plans will succeed [if you respond to His will and guidance].”—Proverbs 16:3 (AMP)

Last year, I did a Bible study on the book of Ephesians. Ephesians 2:10 tells me that I am God’s handiwork, created in Christ to do good works which God has prepared for me in advance to do. Not only do I have access to God’s strength and power to continue writing, but He has also given me the authority to act on it. Will I step out in faith and do what God has called me to do? God doesn’t put a passion inside of you if He doesn’t plan on fulfilling it. We all have a place and purpose in God’s Kingdom

One of my memory verses for during that study was, If you look for me wholeheartedly, you will find me.—Jeremiah 29:13 (NLT). I read it in a devotion after I asked God for clarity on a project. After that, when I flipped my Bible open, it opened to Jeremiah 29 where 29:11 was in a picture on the side of the page; “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

 I knew God was talking to me. I needed that reminder….to seek God whole heartedly on guidance for my writing. I felt as if God was telling me to seek Him with my whole heart and He would show me what direction to go on it. As if that wasn’t enough, later, God gave me Philippians 4:13, “I can do all this through him who gives me strength,” twice in the same morning as a confirmation that I could do what He was calling me to do. 

Am I being obedient to what God is calling me to do? Not always. At first, I was too cautious which resulted in no action on my part. There is a saying, what happens when you do nothing? Nothing. If it is God’s plan, I have to trust it will all work out, but inaction isn’t going to bring God any glory.

God’ can’t make progress if I shrink back in doubt. When Jesus says, Follow Me, that is what it means. It doesn’t mean wait and question what He is calling me to do. It means stepping out in faith and trusting God to lead me. Thankfully, God is patient with us. He gives the needed grace to take the steps where He directing us.

I trust that during the waiting He is establishing a foundation that will support my growth to prepare me for whatever new chapter He has for me. Being obedient usually requires us to trust and wait on His perfect timing. 

While I may not see the fruits immediately, I trust a harvest is coming. Whenever I question what I am doing, I will get an email from someone that I may or may not know that gives me encouragement. God is so sweet to give me those nuggets when He knows I need affirmation to keep going down the path where I feel He is directing me.

I continue to plant seeds with Knit, Pray, Share gifts and knitting items to donate to local organizations. Mostly what I give away is to people I do not know and more than likely, I won’t see the harvest from them, but God does. I am only the messenger. God isn’t asking me to preach. He is asking me to plant seeds in all I do to bring others to Him. We are called to show His love to a broken and hurting souls.

Are you at a crossroads where you aren’t sure what direction God is leading you?“Put God in charge of your work then what you’ve planned will take place.” —Proverbs 16:3 (MSG)

Dear Lord,

Forgive me when I doubt where You are leading me. I ask for grace to trust you during the wait. I believe a harvest is coming for what I am doing in Your name. Thank You for picking me up when I lose track of where I am going and redirect me to the path You have for me. Help me to enjoy the journey. I know at the right time everything will fall into place just as it has in the past. It is in Your precious Son’s name, Jesus, that I pray these things. Amen.

September Memory Verse

“Direct my footsteps according to your word; let no sin rule over me.”—Psalm 119:133

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