Knit Pray Share

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Pouring into Others

Pouring Into Others

“Generosity will be rewarded: Give a cup of water, and you will receive a cup of water in return.”—Proverbs 11:25 (CEV)

Every January our church does a series called Prepare. It is 3-day fast which includes 3 evenings of prayer and a speaker. Monday night was John Maxwell. His sermon gave me optimism for the younger generation. He talked about what is missing from our society is values. He has a program that he has been teaching around the world. He started teaching it in public schools in other countries. It is secular based but he uses biblical concepts. He recently had the opportunity to present the program in the United States. It gave me hope to know how something like this is going to be implemented in some of our public schools. Maybe it will change a generation that can be more “me” focused to living out the biblical values taught in the Bible.

It has been heavy on my heart to minister to our broken world. Our younger generation can really use some godly mentors. While volunteering at the first day of Prepare, I met one of the youth leaders. I saw she was pregnant. Of course, my first thought was, I wonder if she knows if they are having a boy or girl? I found out she was having a boy, so I knit her a hat to bring to her at church this weekend. 

With the hat I gave her, I also included one of my Knit, Pray, Share baby hats that was knit with the red at the beginning and end. I told her how it symbolized how we are all sealed with the blood of Christ from the beginning to end and she could either keep the hat for her baby or pray over it and bless another pregnant woman with it.

After I walked away, I had the thought I wonder if she would be interested in having me teach any of the middle schoolers how to knit, crochet or use a loom? I went back over to her and shared my idea. The baby hat ministry now has plenty of ladies who could help with that. I told her after hearing John Maxwell on Monday night, teaching the younger generation a skill that helps them to not focus on themselves and give to others might be something we could do together.  Giving her that second hat showed her how this could be an opportunity to use this craft as an evangelism tool.

Maybe God will open the doors for my group to help with our church youth or at another local organization to teach our craft, maybe not. I have learned that when God lays something on my heart to write about, I obey Him and let Him do His job. Someone reading this might have their heart pricked to mentor to youth in some capacity in their area. It could be me or it could be you. I don’t know, but God does.

All I know, as Christians, when we pour into others in our broken and hurting world, we are doing what God has called us to do. There is fulfillment when we spend time devoting our attention and time to those God has laid on our heart. Serving others give our life purpose, direction and encourages us to branch out with our spiritual gifts. One of my daily prayers includes asking God to pour into me so I can pour out to others. 

Father God, 

Forgive me when I let my insecurities, doubt doors that are being opened for me. I ask for hearts and eyes to be enlightened on where to serve You this week. Fill me up with Your Spirit so I can pour You out and be a light to others. Help me to carve out time to spend timing loving You and loving others. Use me to touch someone’s life today. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.

January Verse
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.”—Psalm 119:105

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.