No-one is Beyond God's Grasp
Today's post was originally posted September 23, 2019
Do you have a loved one who is far from the Lord that you have spent many years praying for them? Do you feel as if God doesn’t hear your prayers? God is working even when we can’t see it. Either you have faith, believe and cling to that hope or you believe the lies of the enemy. “Why pray? They aren’t ever going to change.”
A few weeks ago, God impressed on my heart to share a post I wrote about this 2 years ago regarding an agnostic family friend. I had been praying for his salvation for many years. While not a blood relative, he was like an uncle to me. He and my dad had been best friends since high school. Due to the holiday and traveling, I thought I would share it again this week:
No-one is Beyond God’s Grasp
September 23, 2019
“For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.”—John 3:16 (GNT)
I apologize in advance for the lengthy post, but so much happened regarding my friend, Ronnie, that I wanted to share. It might help someone else in a similar situation. I also wanted to thank all my prayer warriors that were praying for the Holy Spirit to flow through me as I interacted with him.
Last Sunday when he was admitted to the ICU, a neighbor of his attempted to lead him to Jesus. He asked Ronnie to squeeze his hand if he accepted Him and instead he squeezed both his eyes shut, which was unsettling to his friend. When I asked Ronnie about his neighbor visiting him he said, “Yea he is really religious.”
I spent most of the day Monday with him because I knew he hadn’t accepted Jesus into his heart. He kept saying “I’m not doing good, I’m dying” and I would respond, yes you are that’s why I want you to find Jesus. His reply would be, I’m not religious and shake his head “no.” I told him that he didn’t have to be a religious person to accept Jesus into his heart. I kept telling him that God loves him and no one is too far from Him and that I wanted to see him when I got to heaven. I told him that when he passes and sees a light that Jesus wants him to run to it so He can welcome him with opens arms and he told me he didn’t think he could do that.
Later that day when I could tell he was trying to communicate with me. I said are trying to tell me something and he shook his head, “yes.” I said, do you want to talk about Jesus? He shook his head “no.” I know there is only one Savior and it isn’t me, but God has given me a tenacious spirit so I was going to keep trying.
By Tuesday, I felt that if he hadn’t accepted Jesus yet, that his heart was softening. When I arrived to see him at 9 am there was this little 88 year old volunteer in his room that had been sitting with him for an hour. He said he had been praying for him and prayed with him. My daughter had been praying for a breakthrough for Ronnie, maybe that angel, John (the volunteer) from that morning was able to break through to him?
I walked next to Ronnie, grabbed his hand to let him know I was there. He opened his eyes and I told him that I loved him and so did God. Then I shared a story with him about my dad. I said, I don’t know if you know this, but right before my dad died, he said he saw a light and that I have no doubt that light was Jesus welcoming him home and that I knew I would one day see him again and I wanted to be able to see him again too. So I asked, if you see that light when you pass, will you go to Jesus? He shook his head “yes.” I said, Jesus loves you and he wants your heart…go to him, don’t turn the other way. Go to Jesus.
A few minutes later, as the nurse was giving him pain meds, I asked, Is Jesus in your heart? and he shook his head “no.” After that, I went to my phone to check it. There was a text to my husband that was ready to send that I had not typed. In the text box was the word, hell. I’m not going to lie, I was a little freaked out by that. Was satan trying to derail me to have me believe he was a lost cause and stop trying? Or was God telling me, hell is real and don’t give up on Ronnie. I care about his salvation more than you do.
I had been communicating with an aunt that used to work with hospice and train their volunteers. She reassured me that what I was saying and doing was what she would train the volunteers to do. She also reminded me that God honors the desires of our hearts and that He knew my desire for Ronnie. I know that God answers prayers that align with His will and His will is for all to know Jesus.
By Wednesday, Ronnie was totally unresponsive. However, I was told that he could still hear me. One of my sister-in-law’s felt like someone needed to talk to him about forgiveness. When I first saw him that morning, I told him that God our Father is nothing like our earthly father. His love is unconditional and if he was hanging on to a burden to give it to Jesus. No sin or past is beyond forgiveness, he just needed to say, I am sorry. God forgives. I let him know that I was going to miss him, but it was okay for him to let go and go home. My husband also told him it was okay to let go now (we both told him that Monday too, but apparently it wasn’t time).
I had been staying with him until around 7 pm but that day around 2 pm , I felt this overwhelming feeling (the Holy Spirit) that I needed to leave. I told the nurse that I felt like I should to go away for a little while because maybe he was hanging on because I was there with him. He was showing no signs of his body shutting down. She encouraged me to do what I needed to do and that she felt pretty confident that I would be visiting him Thursday morning. She also asked me if I was okay if he passed without me being present and I told her I was as long as someone was there with him when it happened.
On the car ride home, I was filled with peace. I believed that Ronnie would go to Jesus when he passed. He was always a loner and kept to himself and maybe he wanted to die alone as well. I called to check on him a few hours later. The nurse was getting ready to check on him. I received a phone call within a few minutes that he was taking his last breaths. She let him know she was on the phone with me. She told me he looked peaceful.
I thought I wanted to be there to hold his hand when he died, but now I am glad that I wasn’t because that isn’t my last memory of him. I am sure when he got to heaven and saw my dad, he told him, that Lisa is persistent! I was physically and emotionally weary, but God gave me the strength to sustain me.
As I lay in bed this past Saturday thinking about all that transpired this past week, a song that I hadn’t heard before came on the radio. Tasha Cobbs Lenonard’s You Know my name. It is such a beautiful reminder that God’s power is within all of us and He holds our hands. Not only could I have not gotten through this week without Him leading me, I know I can’t get through my life without Him either.
As you read this, can you think of someone you love that needs to hear of God’s grace and mercy? Whether it is you or someone you know that may be struggling with past mistakes that think they can’t be forgiven, remember, No-one and I mean No-one is beyond God’s grasp! I know it is hard to comprehend a Heavenly Father who is nothing like an earthly father who’s love might have been conditional. What can you do to make sure you don’t have to wait until your loved one is on their death bed to share God’s unconditional love for them?
Dear Lord,
I thank You that no sin or past mistakes can keep me from spending eternity with You. I thank You that when I confess with my mouth that “I am sorry,” that is all it takes to be forgiven. Thank You that You loved us so much that You gave Your one and only son so that EVERYONE who believes in You will not die but have eternal life. I praise You that not only do You walk with me and talk with me, but You tell me that I am Your own. Because Your power is within me, You give me strength when I am emotionally and physically exhausted. Soften hearts and lead me to those that need to hear about Your unconditional love for them. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
December Verse
“In him was life, and the life was the light of men.”—John 1:4 (ESV)
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