Our Promise Land
“If you obey, you will enjoy a long life in the land the LORD swore to give to your ancestors and to you, their descendants—a land flowing with milk and honey!”—Deuteronomy 11:9 (NLT)
Along with my church recently wrapping up a series called, Promises, my Bible reading plan is in the book of Deuteronomy with Moses preparing the Israelites to enter the promised land flowing with milk and honey. I felt God impressing on my heart to write about His promise land for us. What confirmed it for me was when I heard Toby Mac’s song, Promised Land.
This got me thinking about my interpretation of what I thought God meant. I had always thought that my promised land was my eternal home in heaven….something that I wouldn’t get to experience until after my death.
Scripture weaves in the stories of His faithfulness and being true to His promises with His children. His faithfulness in the Bible is no different than it is for us today. His Word shows us how He was with those who walked in faith to encourage us to do the same. As He was with them, He is also with us. In the Old Testament, when God’s people left Egypt, He was taking them to a physical place. God set apart a region for His chosen people to inherit.
Today we are set apart through His Son. Our promised land is a spiritual one. For those in Christ, we have the assurance of eternal life. Yes, heaven is our eternal destination, but God gives us heaven right here on earth too. We don’t have to wait until death to experience our promised land. We have it today with Jesus.
As we love and serve our Lord in the here and now, the fellowship and friendship we have with Our Lord and Savior is a taste of what we will get to have with Him in heaven. He has given us the gift of the Holy Spirit that provides us peace and confidence to trust God despite our circumstances. We get to experience a life abundant in joy and blessings here on earth when we accept Christ into our hearts.
I recently read a devotion about how God chose us to attach to our souls. I thought, I love that picture. This is how I envision the Holy Spirit in dwelling in me. When I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart, the Holy Spirit adhered to my soul. It is woven into every fiber of my being. Nothing can separate me from Him. God didn’t just choose me. He chose you too. He loves and values every one of us. He wants you to experience His Promise Land in Jesus today. Are you?
Father God,
Thank You that my Promise Land’s name is Jesus. I give You thanks for choosing me to attach to my soul. Despite any heartache or hardships, I have hope in You. Not only do I get to experience the love of Jesus here on earth, but one day I will spend eternity in Your presence. Forgive me when I take this gift for granted. I praise You for continuing to pursue me. I lift those up to You who are having a hard time accepting Your unconditional love for them. It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
March Verse
“In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven.”—Matthew 5:16
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