Being in God's Word
“It is the LORD who gives wisdom; from him come knowledge and understanding.”—Proverbs 2:6 (GNT)
Where do I first go for wisdom? Am I praying for God to give me insight? He wants to give it to me generously, but many times I find myself asking others for advice rather than go to the source of all understanding…going to God in prayer and my Bible.
Proverbs is a book of wisdom from God, not commands. We are to store up wisdom with God’s Word so we can use it when we need it. Planting God’s Word in my heart is something I strive to do. While all of verses I have tried to memorize over the years are not totally imprinted on my heart, I have to trust that even though I may not remember a scripture word-for-word, God will bring it to mind when I need it. One of the good things about the internet is, if I don’t know the exact Bible verse, I can search for it online until I find it.
Being familiar with God’s word is how we hear from the Holy Spirit. We can’t expect God’s will in our life if the only time we read scripture is once a week at church. It would be like trying to play a sport without knowing the rules. Scripture opens our eyes to who God is as well as teaches us His commands and principles. When I know who He is and His ways, it equips me to make decisions that are pleasing to Him.
Meditating on His Word changes us…at least it has for me. As hard as it is to sometimes read the Old Testament, it gives me hope for our world today. There was corruption, division, violence, sexual immorality and even child sacrifices. Sadly, it sounds a bit like our world today. While we may not be witnessing a physical child sacrifice, some people are in a way sacrificing their children by allowing them to accept what the world says is right and wrong not what God’s Word tells us.
God knits His heart to us through scripture one verse at a time. Are you carving time out of your day to spend some time getting to know Jesus better? I have shared that I am doing a daily Bible reading plan where I will have read the Bible cover-to-cover by December 31st. Something like this might not interest you. However there are other ways to be in God’s Word every day.
You could try downloading some kind of app that has a daily devotion such as the First 5 Daily Bible Study App or the one from YouVersion. I have both of them. The YouVersion has a daily scripture and very short video clip that goes along with it. These are just a few. There are so many others as well as daily devotion podcasts that you could listen to while you are driving. I know how intimidated I was with reading the Bible in the beginning of my walk with the Lord. It would have been nice to have these resources to help me become more comfortable with learning scripture. If you know someone who is struggling in this area of their life, I encourage you to reach out to them and offer some suggestions to help them in their faith journey.
Father God,
Forgive me when I seek You last for guidance. Help me to learn and listen to You through Your Word. Plant it deep within my heart. Open my eyes and ears to better understand scripture as I meditate on it this week. Thank You that Your Word is an anchor for my should in both good and bad times. Scripture shows me , our world problems are no different than those in the Bible. You sought the hearts of Your people then and You still do now. Use me as a vessel to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the lost and broken searching for a better way to live. It is in the name of Your precious Son, Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
May Verse
Like I said, I am not always successful in memorizing a verse and last month’s verse is one of them….so I will attempt it again for this month.
From the rising of the sun to the place where it sets, the name of the LORD is to be praised.”—Psalm 113:3
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