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Harvest out of Your Hurt

The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit”—Psalm 34:18

Every year around this time, I am reminded about how precious life is. June 16th marks twenty-seven years since my first husband’s death. Writing about this each year isn’t clinging to my past, it is a way for me remember who I was before I found Jesus. I don’t ever want to forget how He lifted me up out of my pit of despair and gave me hope to keep on living. He carried me then and He still carries me now.

Heartache is universal. Psalm 34:18 tells us even when we may feel God is far from us, He is close to those crushed in spirit. We will have troubles but what a comfort to know that not only is God with us but He has given us the Holy Spirit to dwell within us. He is in us! What a gift that is to know, no matter what, our Heavenly Father never leaves or forsakes us.

The harvest during our hurt has meaning, but only if we take another step, remain faithful and keep our eyes on our Lord and Savior. It is tempting to want to give quit when things don’t sense, but God wants us to persevere. I had a void in my heart from the loss of my first husband, but when I found Jesus, I realized that only He could fill the emptiness that I felt. He gave me the comfort and strength to get through each day. I had to accept His invitation to be close to me.

I will never fully understand why I had to go through the death of a spouse at such a young age or why my children’s biological father wasn’t here to raise them with me. However, I am living proof that when you take another step, you can grow and get to the other side. There is hope in your healing. You can have joy in your heart. Your suffering can become your sermon. If we let Him, God can use our most trying times to prepare us for His bigger plans for us. He molds and shapes us to fulfill His will for us.

Replacing sorrow with God’s Word in my grief not only gave me comfort but also drew me closer to Him. Eventually my heartache turned into fond memories. No one can take those away from me. I will always have them just as I will always have Jesus in my heart. Our time here on earth is limited but God has prepared a place for us. “When everything is ready, I will come and get you, so that you will always be with me where I am.”—John 14:3

 Father God,

Thank You for wiping away my tears during my brokenness. Even when life feels as if it is falling apart, I know I am never alone. You are with me and holding me by my right hand to lift me up out of that pit. I know You are working everything for Your good. Your Word tells me that when I follow You, I won’t ever walk in darkness because You are my Light. Thank You for using my struggles to get to know You better. I lift up those who are struggling with feelings of loss and hopelessness. Let them feel Your loving arms around them. Lead them to the well of Living Water that can only be found in Your precious Son, Jesus. Amen.

 June Verse

“My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.”—John 15:12

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