Knit Pray Share

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Surrender Your Heart

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb.”—Psalm 139:13

In Psalm 139, we are told that God knit us together in our mother’s womb. He secretly wove us into exactly who He wanted…nothing about us is a mistake. The world tells us to be whoever we want to be. We are the master of our universe, but that isn’t how God created us. God’s desire for His creation is to serve others first, not self.

No matter how many voice lessons I take, I am not ever going to be an amazing singer. That isn’t part of how God created me. Asking me to sing a capella isn’t going to bring joy to your ears, but give me some yarn and needles and I can create something of beauty.

When God calls us to do something, He is going to use the tools we already have. He is leading me to do exactly what I am doing right now. Sharing the love of Jesus through my hands and heart with my writing, knitting and maybe even a video podcast. God wants me to make the most of what I do best.

Every day I am humbled that God has been able to use a hobby such as knitting to display His glory. He has been able to use something I love to do to glorify Him. How cool is that! Like I said last week, my role was acting in faith and obedience to go where He was guiding me. This is how He is using me to love those around me in my own unique way.

We should be trying to use our God given talents wisely. When we are productive with our gifts, our faithfulness will be rewarded with more and more opportunities to serve our Lord and Savior. Living as a servant is not what our world preaches. Thinking of others and not self is not the norm. However, when we truly surrender our heart and live this way, it is an act of worship.

Rather than worry about how you can do something, look at what is in your toolbox. Do you enjoy cooking? Make a meal and bring it to a single mom, elderly friend/neighbor, or someone that you know is homebound. Our calling is to love and care for others. God ordains our steps to help us grow into who He has created us to be.

Every day, we have an opportunity to become more and more like Christ. It is a lifelong process. Where or who can you serve in the name of Jesus today?

Father God,

Forgive me when I don’t surrender my heart to where You are leading. Help me to become who You have created me to be. Lead me to those that are broken and hurting so that I can be a blessing to them this week. Open my eyes to see who You see and their needs however great or small. Let me be the hands and feet of Jesus wherever I go and whatever I do or say. I lift those up to You that are struggling with who they are in Christ. Remind them that no one is a mistake. You created each and every one of us in our mother’s womb.It is in the name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen

August Verse

“Keep alert. Be firm in your faith. Stay brave and strong.”—1 Corinthans 16:13 (CEV)

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.