Knit Pray Share

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24-hour Help Line

“Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.”—Psalm 68:19

Not only is Jesus my friend, but He is also my Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. Amen! It is hard to fathom I have this kind of access to the King of Kings…nothing can separate me from Him. Having this kind of connection to my own personal Counselor every second in the day, helps me recognize God’s truth through scripture.

Psalm 68:19 is one of those truths that I needed this week. He daily bears our burdens. There have been a few days where I have struggled with fear and doubt. Yes, I trust God and He has given me peace, but I am human, and the enemy’s desire is to attack when I feel helpless. Rather than trying to process the unknowns alone in my head, I need to be talking to my friend, Jesus.

I am thankful that we are no longer required to perform all the Old Testament rituals to be in the presence of our Heavenly Father. Jesus came to take that burden from us. Because of His death and resurrection that will soon be celebrated by Christians worldwide, all I have to do is call His name and I will find Him. He is available to me 24 hours a day. We can find Him wherever we are. You may think He is silent, but He hears you.

While last week was a rather quiet week where my life was somewhat back to normal, this week was a little more chaotic. Despite one of my brother’s and his wife being in town, staying with my mother, there were doctor appointments and an unexpected emergency room visit due to dehydration. Thankfully she was back home after some IV fluids.

It left me a bit frazzled. There were a few evenings, when I woke up in the middle of the night, with my mind racing. The only thing that seemed to calm it was when I started singing these lyrics in my head;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus; there's just something about that name
Master, Savior, Jesus, like the fragrance after the rain;
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus, let all Heaven and earth proclaim
Kings and kingdoms will all pass away
But there's something about that name

This song gave me such a sense of peace. It has been what I used to call out to Jesus with some of those runaway thoughts. There IS something about His name. Just saying it is how we call on our Heavenly Father. As God reminds me of His promises, I can get out of myself and into Him. My focus goes from my worries to feeling His loving arms around me.

When life starts to overwhelm you with the fear of unknowns, don’t forget about using the free 24-hour Help line that each and every one of us can use. Calling out to Jesus won’t take away the problems you may be facing, but it sure does lighten our load when we can lay our burden at His feet. Of course, for those who have a medical diagnosis for anxiety God also provides therapists, supplements or medications to help achieve this.

Father God,

Forgive me when I believe in my head but doubt in my heart. I am thankful that Your spirit within me will give me the strength to overcome old thought patterns. Thank You, Lord for Your Word in Psalm 68. You bear and carry our burdens. I know when I fix my eyes on who You are that my thoughts are filled with Your peace and love. I lift those up to You, whose burdens are heavy. Let them call out to You and lay them at Your feet. I pray these things in the name of Jesus, Amen.

March Verse

“This I declare about the LORD: He alone is my refuge, my place of safety; he is my God, and I trust him.”—Psalm 91:2 (NLT)

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make.