Knit Pray Share

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Family of Faith

“Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven.”—Matthew 18:19

Reading Matthew 18:19, I couldn’t help but think about my friend Patti and I starting a new knitting ministry in January 2021. Our first gathering it was just the two of us. We both prayed God would lead other women to us. He did and still does. God is moved by our prayers that align with His will.

We couldn’t do it all, but we have had ladies join us one-by-one. Together all of us have been able to make an impact by surrendering our time and resources. Our discipleship has power when we do things together in the body of Christ. It wouldn’t be fruitful if I was the only one doing it.

The past 2 ½ years, I have seen the beautiful outcome of us all working together. Not only the number of items we have made and donated (now over 3800), but also the friendships that have formed. We recently found out that one of those special ladies will be moving back to her home state this week. While we all know it is the right move for her, she will be missed. Each woman in our group brings her own unique and special gifts.

Our church talks about the importance of spiritual family. This is who these ladies are to me.  God has carefully placed each person in the Knit, Pray, Crochet group. We have a GroupMe text where at any given time we can put out a prayer request. Trust me, they have gotten plenty from me with my mother. I know when I put something out there, they will lift up the prayer. Having a family of faith is important. It gives us an automatic support system.

We all come together as one body in Christ. When what we are doing together align with God’s purpose for us, God can use each of us as a vessel to grow His Kingdom.We are co-laborers. While writing this post I received a FaceTime call from my friend Patti. She was on vacation in Hawaii. She met another Christian knitter. Not only does this sister in Christ subscribe to my weekly blog post and follow me on social media, but she is a part of a knitting ministry that is knitting, praying, and sharing the love of Jesus in her community in Alabama.

God is so good. With all that has been going on with my mom, there have been days that I have questioned if God is really using Knit, Pray, Share. I got teary eyed when I was talking to them. To hear about a group of women in another state that I have never personally met sharing the Gospel through their handmade items because they were inspired by what God laid on my heart with Knit, Pray, Share, is humbling. The love of Jesus has connected us. Isn’t it amazing how God works?

It is up to us together, to reach out to an unbelieving world. The Holy Spirit enables us to minister within the body of Christ and serve those He puts in our pathway. He flows through us to show and tell others about Jesus.

Finding help in hard times is always easier when you have good friends. We need more than online virtual relationships. We need human contact. Sometimes we just need Jesus with flesh on…we need the compassion and care of another person in person.

Are you connected to people who take regular steps of faith? Do you have a core group that you are doing your spiritual life with? If not, what steps can you take to find these people?

Father God.

Thank You for putting women in my life to partner with to grow Your Kingdom. I pray for believers all over the world to spread Your Word to every corner of this earth. Help me to encourage and support my sisters in Christ with the spiritual gifts You have given me. May You be glorified in my actions this week. I lift those up to You who are in need of connections with other believers. Direct them to meaningful and lasting connections to share their life. I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

May Verse

I have chosen Proverbs 17:22 as my verse for the month as a reminder to find the joy in all things.

“A cheerful heart is good medicine, but a broken spirit saps a person’s strength.”—Proverbs 17:22

If you are knitting or crocheting gifts to give away, please make sure you tweet @KnitPrayShare or share your projects on the Knit, Pray, Share Facebook page or Instagram using the hashtag #KnitPrayShare. Be sure to attach a tag to whatever gift you make