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Transformation From Trials

“For you have delivered my soul from death, yes, my feet from falling, that I may walk before God in the light of life.”—Psalm 56:13 (ESV)

Psalm 56:13 is a picture of how David fixed his eyes on God during his troubles. In his dark days, God gave him the light of life.  God is not distant when we go through trials. In fact, if we allow it, He can and will transform us through them. He has for me.

Every year around this time, I reflect on how far I have come in my faith journey. Friday, June 16th  marks 28 years since my first husband’s death. Retelling my story, I get emotional, but not because I am still traumatized, but because of how God saved me. I was a lost soul not knowing how much I needed Jesus.

Before John’s death, I was on top of the world. Our son had just turned two. We were pregnant with our baby daughter and a few days away from moving into a new home where John going into private practice in orthopedic surgery. I just couldn’t imagine life getting any better.

However, that “perfect” life was ripped away from me in a matter of seconds when he died in a drowning accident at a beach in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. While I believed in God, I was having a hard time accepting that God could “let” this happen.

I could have easily walked to the other side of the beach and been swept in the ocean alongside of him. I know Divine Intervention is what kept that from occurring. Had that happened, not only would you not be reading this, but my beautiful daughter wouldn’t be here either. Not to mention, I wouldn’t be spending eternity with my Heavenly Father. That right there is why I have such a heart to share Jesus. God gave me a second chance at life, how can I not want the same for other lost souls?

My world was turned upside down. My life was too heavy to be living a life without Jesus. The thing is, you don’t realize it until you find Him in the storm. Because God strategically placed some strong Christians in my life, I accepted Jesus Christ into my heart. Through the Holy Spirit, I realized I had access to my very own supernatural Comforter. Why don’t we always tap into that free gift?

My tragedy taught me to be grateful. It reminds me not to take my life for granted. It humbled me and opened my eyes to what mattered the most….my need for Jesus. The pain that I thought would break me is what saved me. Not only did I find Jesus and a faith I didn’t know I had, but I have been led to strong Christian friendships over the years that helped and continue to help me grow in my spiritual walk.

My character and knowledge of God was formed during this difficult time in my life. I am thankful I was younger when this happened. I learned what humility is, which brought about repentance. My eyes were opened to areas in my life where I needed to make changes. It brought about a nearness to God that I didn’t realize I was missing. Sometimes our suffering produces in us something we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to access. God does and can transform lives through our trials.

Christ’s death and resurrection is what gives me hope. This hope is what helps many grieving the loss of a loved.  Even though we mourn their death, we have comfort knowing they are rejoicing in heaven. It is the assurance that our loved ones are not separated from us forever.

Father God,

Forgive me when I allow my trials to take my eyes off You. Thank You that through death, I was able to find new life in Your Son, Jesus. Only You can transform lives through trials. I lift those up to You grieving the death of a loved one. May they feel Your loving arms around them. For those who are suffering and don’t know You, place people in their life to share the hope of Jesus. Help me to walk before You in the light of life this week. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.

 June Verse

“I will meditate on your precepts and fix my eyes on your ways.”—Psalm 119:15 (ESV)

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