Don’t Let Your Mood Dictate Your Actions
“Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.”—Proverbs 4:23
A negative mindset can quickly bring down another person. However, a hopeful outlook can boost someone’s spirit. What flows out of your heart will affect those around you. I have really been working on this with my mother. When she is positive not only is she much happier, but it also makes my life easier.
If things don’t seem to be going my way, I should not let that overflow into the rest of my day. I need to ask myself, am I owning my feelings or am I letting them own me? Again, not an easy task when trying to reason with someone who has dementia, but my mom’s emotional setbacks aren’t mine. I was letting her bad mood affect my disposition.
When we accept Jesus Christ into our heart as our Lord and Savior, we are given the gift of the Holy Spirit dwelling within us. When I grumble and complain that isn’t a very inviting place for Him to live. Letting our thoughts dictate our actions, will never lead to a happy life.
I can’t have an effective ministry if there is conflict in my heart. I need to put my behavior alongside Jesus, or nothing is going to change. When my inner being is filled with strife, that isn’t a very good way to honor God’s presence. Living in a space of negativity leads to joyless living. Being filled with thanksgiving is what helps me remove those negative feelings.
It’s easy to grumble and not be happy when our day isn’t going as we would like, but should that really affect the clerk checking us out at the store? Shouldn’t we treat them with kindness and a smile, rather than a scowl or no response when they tell us, “have a nice day.”
I may not be able to change my circumstances, but I can always change my attitude. Having a heart overflowing with love, kindness and an appreciation for life is what is helping me the most. Not always easy when dealing with my mother’s Alzheimer’s and her mood swings, but because of the power of the indwelling Holy Spirit nothing is impossible for Him!
Father God,
Forgive me when I don’t let go of things inside of me that grieve Your heart. Help me release to You what is weighing me down. Thank You for the grace when I don’t manage my emotions in a healthy way. Give me words of encouragement to speak into someone that is hurting or having a difficult day. I lift those up to You, who are having a a hard time releasing a negative mindset. Open their eyes to all of the things in their life for which to be thankful. I pray these things in the name of Jesus. Amen.
July Verse
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”—Matthew 6:33
I have added Matthew 6:33 to my morning routine to say before I get out of bed each morning. Lord, help me to seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness today. It is also my phone screen saver for the month of July too.
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