If You Can Worry, You Can Pray
“Nothing is impossible for God!"—Luke 1:37 (CEV)
I have no problem worrying without ceasing, so why can’t I do the same in my prayer life? When I start to meditate on worrisome thoughts, why not swap that out with a prayer instead? My situation may not change, but my attitude will. Being in constant communion with God, fills me with peace instead of stress.
Worry is replaying something over and over in your mind. What would happen if I spoke God’s Word and prayed each time that thought entered into my head? My thoughts about the “what-if’s” are what cause my heart to race. If something is troubling me, my mind tries to take control of it. I think about what can be done to get the desired outcome, rather than trust God. This happened to me this past week.
I was stressed out over a situation with my mother. I felt like we are going in circles. This left me extremely frustrated. After hanging up the phone with her about it, I knew I needed to recenter myself. I pulled out my Bible study I am doing with my small group. The section I was on had to do with speaking out and proclaiming God’s Word.
The scripture that spoke to me in this section was Luke 1:37;“Nothing is impossible for God!" (CEV) Now, every time the problem comes to mind, I am speaking out this scripture. God revealed to me during this week’s study that I had been focusing on the problem not my Problem Solver.
Jesus is my Prince of Peace. When I keep my focus on the One who never leaves me, I feel His constant presence. Jesus told His disciples in John 20:19 “peace be with you.”
Do I still have days where I slip into old thought patterns? Yes. Thankfully, I have the Holy Spirit to call upon when something creeps into my head that brings negativity. As I lean into Him, I have the ability to change that thinking into something positive. The more and more I do this, the less and less I have those runaway thoughts.
No matter my fears and worries, in my weakness, Christ can still shine through me. Praise Jesus that we all have the strength of Jesus to call on when we are weak. The stronger I am in prayer, the less my concerns weigh on my heart. Prayer weakens my worries.
Not that I didn’t know this already, but through my Bible study, God reminded me; when I let God’s Word control my thoughts my mind doesn’t control me. Speaking out Luke 1:37 has redirected my thinking and attitude. I know I can’t control my worry on my own, but God can.
Father God,
Forgive me when I let my worries and not You be the throne of my heart. Help me to find freedom and peace by releasing my cares to You. Quiet the waves of worry within me. Still my mind to hear Your voice. I praise You that You can turn my heart of fear back to You. Thank You that when my thoughts start to spiral out of control that I have the Holy Spirit within me to give me the power to overcome them. It is in the mighty name of Jesus that I pray these things. Amen.
July Verse
“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”—Matthew 6:33
I have added Matthew 6:33 to my morning routine to say before I get out of bed each morning. Lord, help me to seek Your Kingdom and Your righteousness today. It is also my phone screen saver for the month of July too.
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