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Jesus Seeks the Lost

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“For the Son of Man came to seek and save those who are lost.”—Luke 19:10 (NLT)

Jesus seeks the lost. Thank God, he came to find and save us. I needed Jesus to rescue me, I just didn’t know it until I found my way back into His loving arms 28 years ago.

This week, I heard a pastor on TV talk about how once the Gospel reaches every corner of the world, all will be held accountable. He talked about how many different language translations there are of the Bible. According to an article in Premier Christian news, “Wycliffe hopes that in the next 10-15 years 95 per cent of the world's population will have the Bible, that 99.95 per cent will have a New Testament and everyone will have access to at least some portion of Scripture (currently 145 million people have absolutely none).” Another reason there is such an urgency for us to share Jesus with the lost.

As followers of Christ, we have the assurance knowing we will have eternal peace but one day judgment will happen for those who reject Jesus. There will come a day when believers will dwell in a new heaven and earth where sin is defeated forever. I want to do whatever I can to make sure those that don’t know Jesus find Him. Nothing is more important than telling others about our Savior.

Never underestimate your role in God’s plan for this. Each believer has a part in sharing the good news of Jesus. God needs all of us and our gifts to make this happen. It takes the church together to reap a harvest. We have an urgent mission to complete. We live with intention to share Jesus with those put in our pathway.

We know this earth is not our permanent home. Until we die or Jesus returns, having a kingdom focus enables us to experience heaven here on earth. As Jesus’ disciples we can share this with others.

Do you have a loved one who is far from the Lord that you have spent many years praying for them? Do you feel as if God doesn’t hear your prayers? God is working in both the physical and spiritual realms even when we can’t see it. Either you have faith, believe and cling to that hope or you believe the lies of the enemy. “Why pray? They aren’t ever going to change.” Not me, I am going to choose to keep on praying and asking God for a heart change in them. Everything happens in His perfect timing. Faith requires trust in the unseen and reliance on the truth that God is always at work.

Father God,

Forgive me when I let insecurity keep me from being a witness to a nonbeliever. I ask for courage to be a bolder in this area of my life. I lift those up to those who don’t know or love You. Open up hearts to be captured by Jesus. Continue to draw them to You. I ask for the tools to minister to the lost You put in my pathway.  I pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.

 August Verse

I am still workin on imprinting Matthew 6:33 on my heart…Yes it is a work in progress for me.

“Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need.”—Matthew 6:33

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